We've had quite a few submissions so it kind of took awhile to narrow everything down. We ended up with a top 10 list, but unfortunately only 3 of you could win, so once again we had to narrow that down too. Before I announce the winners, I'd like to thank everyone for participating! I loved every single entry, and maybe we can turn this into an annual thing. I've had a couple of anonymous donations as well. and to those who pm'ed me about extending the date due to the Halloween event not being out yet, I'm sorry. It was open for 24 days, I wanted it to end on the night of the 31st. PART ONE WINNERS 1st place CLAIMED @rnuse IGN: rnuse "FRESH OUTTA AREA 51" Nothing like a good ol' look back on the failure of the Area 51 raid lmao You almost lost the 1st place title, honestly it was just by a hair haha but RNG was in your favor, good sir. 2nd place CLAIMED @joyfreeii IGN: MeteorFist "We are tonight's entertainment", "Let's put a smile on that face!" - Joker (Dark Knight) we had to narrow down the Joker submissions, everyone agreed yours was the best one! The thought put into the location is great 3rd place CLAIMED @Dihcro IGN: Colde I knew right away you were going to be top 3 regardless, it took awhile to figure out the order that's for sure. -You died -You have a ghost hat on -You died in a graveyard -Your ign is Colde (as in, you're dead) well done lol Madori's Choice CLAIMED @majiko IGN: salmonavocad "tomato" Honestly this one was so simple, but you utilized your map choice perfectly! You blend right in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HONORABLE MENTIONS: @Velkhana IGN: Airlotty "Hmm.. hello kid , are u... sick ... ? ok .. (smile) let oneesan "TAKE GOOD CARE" of u (heheehhehahaa...)" You came extremely close to 1st place, I love your concept and location so much! @LotusLeaf IGN: Lotard "2 Dumb scientists studying magic" U a dummy thicc scientist. @pinkmachette IGN: Miramo "Kiki's delivery service" Kiki's Delivery Service was one of my fav movies, I'm actually kind of sad that nobody else did any Miyazaki films :c I love the use of the chair, cat weapon, and location! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART TWO WINNER(S) CLAIMED @pinkmachette IGN(S): Miramo, CiriLia, Rosegardener "iloveass" Don't we all? Now this one is why it took so long to release the winners. We had 2 other really good ss's but ultimately without even realizing it, you played the right card. (my friend's obsessed with Star Wars, ez gg) Spoiler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HONORABLE MENTIONS: @Swanky IGN: Swanky (and mules) "Halloween is postponed" This hit home. Literally. Canadian kids during Halloween: (whatever they dress up as) "with a jacket" it's so friggen cold, man. @akaPop IGN(S): Pinap, PuzzIe, 2185 "Just another day in Texas" Incredible. I was really rooting for this one to win among the judges lol @Cynn IGN(S): Tskiyofan, SilverMedal, Two4Table, soulatido, naniTF, tsikyo "The Jackson 5." I laughed so fucking hard at this. 10/10 @Privateer would be proud Please find me online in FM to claim your prizes! Make sure you're on the char you entered with. IGN: Madori Spoiler tag(s) broke, so that's why there isn't any, too lazy to fix lmao
Dear Madori, As mentioned in the shoutbox, it is unfair for the host to have a say in determining the winner. To ensure fairness without any bias, I propose choosing the winner(s) again after you have amnesia.
Since nobody pm’ed me yet after 15 hours lol The winners have 24 hours to contact me or else I’m selling / giving back donations and buying chairs lmao 13 hours left! Done! CLAIMED: Group screenshot prize 1st place single screenshot 2nd place single screenshot 3rd place single screenshot pending: Madori's Choice