This problem started after the 8/11 update. I downloaded and tried to install the game again, but this problem started. "The source file is corrupted" (Character.wz, Map.wz, Mob.wz, among others). If I proceed with the installation ignoring these errors, I get a message that "there are missing files". I looked for several solutions, but none suited me. I tried to download again, google drive, MEGA (At the end of the download by MEGA, I get the "Decoding Error" notification), Sync, and all these had the same problem when trying to install the game. I disabled antivirus, firewall, tried to install in several different places, but the same error insists on happening. I have no idea what to do.
Nexon folder, Program files folder, C folder, every place that i try, same issue: "The source file is corrupted."
You're not supposed to put mapleroyals files into the original maplestory folder. It needs to be in its own folder.
On the mapleroyals website itself. I tried Drive, MEGA, Sync, and had the same problem with all installers.
Same error. Every place, every folder, same error. I will try to format my windows, maybe the problem is in it.