S/B : 30B @bloodc4 C/O: N/A A/W: 35B IGN: HSPotati Last Updated: 7/12/2019 Payments accepted: - 1B coins - WS at 480m - CS at 480m - Prices of WS/CS may be subjected to change due to fluctuations in the market prices. - Buyer will cover for tax. Time Duration: - Bidding will commence once S/B is confirmed and closed after a week from the confirmation date. We reserve the right to not sell for any reason we may wish to keep it for. P.M me in-game or leave your offers here.
Funny, why would a person A/W it so fast? Bid 5b higher from c/o when i wouldn't even contest if she/he did 26b.. Get questioned by an admin and right after rushes to add 5b more to A/W in order to get it fast? :thinking: