Something that's been bugging me for a while is that holy symbol only last 2 minutes.. It is only a exp booster skill and the skill lasting for only 2 minutes creates inconvenience especially when selling leech. Would it hurt to increase it's time to 4-5 minutes just like Hyperbody? What's everyone else's opinion?
It's not something that needs changing, as adding extra experience is already a massive boost on its own. Just because you think having to recast it every 180 secs is annoying, doesn't mean it should be made longer. If you can't deal with swapping clients to press one button every 3 mins, I don't know what to tell you.
I know many players who will get uptight at the mere mention of ‘buff’ as it destroys the nostalgia among other stuffs (even though many of us don’t even hp wash and do many bosses or use mage to farm back then so there’s your nostalgia for you) but I think it is beneficial if the duration is increased. Many of us have or is forced to have a bishop anyways. Not sure what kind of balance the dev were expecting by making HS so short duration. Afraid that the priest would be too bored without recasting hs all the time? Honestly if I were to be more radical about it I would also suggest other buffs to scale to at least 300sec (5mins) if not already done so. I recently trained at truckers with another Friend both of us lv 5x with my bs as hs mule (cast and go lounge) and it made me realise just how annoyingly often we have to assemble at a certain spot just to rebuff. We don’t feel it as much when we just cast it right before the boss dies. In a way, this change encourages party play too.
It is simply a convenience factor, I don't believe increasing it's time by a minute or so would make it any more effective. Just makes it simpler for the user It is 120 seconds for the record not 180 :3
Okay, now what if you bought leech and your leecher kept forgetting to reset your Holy symbol because he has to do so every 40-50 seconds to keep it consistent?
Making it longer, simpler for the user, and more convenient makes it more effective. Edit: To your post. Then he's a bad leecher lol. You're paying someone to leech you at a good rate, not someone who wants to look at his phone every minute and forgetting to HS every so often.
It wouldn't make it more effective because 50% is still 50%. He may be a bad leecher perhaps but you wouldn't find it tedious to keep resetting it on and on?
What’s considered a massive boost? Using the same argument it doesn’t explain why MW is 900sec, SE SI is 300sec and booster is 200sec. All seem to give massive boost to me. Plus booster is 2nd job skill except for mages. I feel like it is not a very convincing reason to put down this suggestion. Just because you think having to recast it every 120* secs is not annoying, doesn’t mean it should not be made longer. I feel like not much thought have been put in when these durations have been set. An increase in duration to a relatively short buff everyone uses extensively is a great idea to me. And especially in grinding parties it would help immensely to not have to gather every 120sec to rebuff, for what grand purpose do we subject ourselves to this limiting gameplay
We're not talking about making it super easy were talking about making one little mechanic for priest less tedious. I respect that some of you are not interested in the change but I have yet to hear an intelligent argument as to why extending the duration by a minute or two is a bad idea
It's not necessarily a 'bad' idea, just an unnecessary one. People only use it near the end of boss fights, the leechers tend to get close to their buyers every round, and can hs them every few trips around the map. As long as you just keep an eye on it, there's no real need to bring the duration up. Sure, it would be less tedious to cast every 3-5 minutes instead of 2 minutes, but at the moment, there's no need for it.
Your right to say that as there are many times where the 2 minutes is more then enough however then there are times where the 2m timer becomes a nuisance and tedious. Such as when using it in hunting party's: Temple of time or Skeles and everyone must keep regrouping every minute and a half just for the HS alone even though their other buffs still have plenty of time. As well most leechers leech passively meaning they do it while doing other things and I'm sure they'd agree with me when I say it's conflicting to keep remembering to rebuff every minute and a half. The responses have shown there is a mix of yes and noes however, if you'd like to keep it at 2 minutes then we'll put up with it as this was merely a suggestion. Thank you for discussing the possibilities.