im having issues with getting full screen with when i play when i put it to full screen i see 2 black bars on both ssides is there a way to fix this ???
its the black bars on the 2 sides of the screen because the game wont stretch and i cant screen it either :/
I had this same issue, it has to do with the aspect ratio of the screen resolution you are using. Try changing to a lower screen rez, should clear things up.
The problem lies in the GPU settings. Your GPU sets all resolutions al actual resolution of the games. For example, mapleroyals' resolution is a square box. Where as new games nowadays have wide screen options. Since that option in royals isn't there, you have to adjust your GPU settings to make your screen stretch and fill the whole screen, instead of it using real size. If you're the same guy as before, open your amd catalyst control center and look for the option to stretch it. This is what I did aswell. This link might be of use to you;
If you just follow the link I just posted, there are even pictures of how to change it. If you do not understand that, then I'm sorry, I can not help you.