After a night of sleep, a few more things occurred to me. To alleviate the problem of everyone being able to kill it equally fast, people's damage could scale with their level, however it still wouldn't be very satisfying since people who have grinded countless hours to get a perfect weapon would be doing as much damage as people who didn't. And in terms of balance between builds, even the idea of equalizing damage wouldn't be balanced, since dex / luk landers would have a much easier time surviving because of their high avoidability. In general I think balancing the boss fight between different builds is one of the biggest challenges facing this idea. Another option is maybe have a different game mechanic by which people can kill the boss. Maybe PQ like mechanics, wherein the boss is just a small part. In that case you might need STRlanders for certain parts of the party quest and dexLanders for other parts. I don't have much specific in mind for this idea, but it's an interesting one that maybe others can think about too. Scrolls for gloves and shields are probably a bad idea, since the only gloves and shields currently available on island come from non-repeatable quests, which means that people will make dozens or hundreds of mules to get more of these equips so they can try to scroll them. This is probably undesireable, so scrolls for earring seem like the better option, since Amethyst Earrings drop on the island. I didn't talk about the location in my original post since I don't think it's a very big concern. If the 'ends of the island' need to stay in balance, the boss could simply be somewhere in the middle. It could for example be in one of the maps connected to The Field West of Amherst: . I think the area circled by red are bad choices for a boss; if noobs encounter this boss (and inevitably die) they have to walk back a long time. What could be done however, is that a new map is made in which the boss lives, and only people above a certain level can enter this map. In that case, this new map could be connected to one of the circled maps, or connected to the Field West of Amherst. EDIT: I just came up with a funny idea, but it doesn't maintain the balance between 'the ends of the island'. There could maybe be an invisible portal on top of the shroom platform in Hunting Ground Middle of the Forest II which leads to the boss. This prevents noobs from dying to the boss, because they don't have enough speed and jump to reach the platform. Islanders however, can reach the platform. Small concern with this idea is that people who don't have nimble feet have a harder time reaching the platform (though it's still very much possible). Spoiler: Here's what it takes to reach the platform It may seem steep, but nimble feet gives 20 speed, soccer weather effect gives 20 speed + 10 jump. That on it's own is not enough, but an islander that wants to take on the boss should probably have the right equips to make that jump.
btw there's no need to worry about noobs being killed since they'll respawn in southperry yes, I have died on the island a few times...
I've only been an Islander since November of 2017, so I guess I'm pretty late to the scene. I still play pretty actively, and recently just hit level 59. As for the idea of having foreign bosses on Maple Island, I'm 100% for it. Spoiler: My current stat build 1. Boss, Boss Stats, and Location Maybe just start off with Mano? I feel like Mano would be the perfect boss on Maple Island. 1st Proposal As for where it should be located, I have 3 maps in mind, along with a Hidden Street/special map (will explain later) Note: The 3 maps I chose are the only 3 maps on Maple Island that have strictly Green/Blue/Red Snails. Spoiler: Snail Field of Flowers Spoiler: Snail Garden Spoiler: Tomato Garden Out of those 3 official maps, I feel like either Snail Garden, or Snail Field of Flowers would be best. Mainly because there are many platforms on the map, so if a non-islander were to enter the map, they would be able to see the boss, and not die to it. Another reason would be because both of these maps are not too close to the 2 main grinding spots (Hunting Ground Middle of the Forest 2, and Dangerous Forest) As for the bosses stats, I'd say keep the bosses stats, but: 1. Play around with the amount of HP the boss has 2. Lower the bosses avoidability. I know some people might feel that my opinion of lowering the bosses avoid might be a bit biased, since I do have quite a lot STR in my build. But once beginners can use AP resets again, I will resetting my points from STR to either Dex or Luk, mainly because I plan on using the level 8 fruit knife as my end game weapon. 2nd Proposal This brings me to what I said before about adding a Hidden street or a special boss map. As of right now, the only balanced possible solution I can think of that won't really play in effect to which build "X" Islander has, would be to add a special map, where you need at least a party of 3 people to enter. I feel like 3 would be the perfect number, so you can't have STRlanders just soloing it. I also feel like this would encourage fellow islanders to bond more, and be more active . Since after all, the Islander community is rather small. I'd personally would be down for Saturday Night Mano! But of course, some islanders, might also find this annoying if they're the only one online, or they are in a party of 2, and no one else is available to log on. I'd also think that add a level limit of 30?(Level could be adjusted.). As for where, I really like @Chrizz's idea of adding it to the top platform of Piggy map. Mainly because normal people can't reach that platform unless you have the correct Speed/Jump. 2. Drops I've basically only been talking about Mano, but this also applies to other bosses's drops. Spoiler: Mano's Drops As we can see, Mano drops a plethora of items. Many of which, aren't available on the island. My proposal for Mano's drops would be to remove all equip drops, and certain scroll drops.(so people won't make islanders to farm for them) and instead, add variants to the level 11 shirts for both genders, along with the counter part to Ice Jeans(Sand blast jeans) Spoiler: Shirts and Jeans Yes, I know these are foreign items, but I feel like these would be probably one of the best equips to add, since they're variants, so they're not meta changing. For which scrolls to remove, removing all scrolls that weren't originally available on the island would be best, so islanders can't scroll their earrings/wands/daggers/etc. 3. EXP This one is pretty hard. But I feel as if the exp rates were kept the same, it would be best. That way, islanders won't only farm this boss, and they will still be training at their normal training map. But say if the amount of exp the boss gives, would be better then grinding at certain map, then the exp should be reduced. 4. Stat Builds Basically what I said before. "As of right now, the only balanced possible solution I can think of that won't really play in effect to which build "X" Islander has, would be to add a special map, where you need at least a party of 3 people to enter." Though if a party of 3 STRlanders were to party up, they would be able to take down the boss much faster then a party of 3 islanders with other builds. But this shouldn't matter, as long as there isn't some sort of leader board to see which party can kill "x" boss the fastest. After all, we all basically play this game to have fun, am I right? So basically: if bosses were to be added to Maple Island, I feel that these requirements should be met: 1. "x" boss to be put in a special map where you need a party of at least 3 people above level 30 to enter. # of people needed and level can be adjusted. 2. Sounds pretty dumb, but remove all foreign drops they have, but add other foreign drops that won't change the meta, so there is some incentive, or simply just remove all foreign drops. 3. Keep exp the same, except if the amount of exp the boss gives is better then grinding. If there were things that I said that were unclear,let me know, and I'll try my best to further clarify.
Great points! If Mano were to be implemented, those drops seem suitable, though I do wonder if they are interesting enough. It makes sense to remove the scrolls and equips that it drops offland to prevent offlanders from farming it, and to prevent big meta shifts. I would like to see the rainbow-colored snail shell stay in the droplist though . Your suggestion of requiring 3 people to enter the map is an interesting one; it stimulates people to work together and allows people with sub-optimal builds to still kill the boss. There is the risk of people only wanting to recruit people with good builds, but I think most islanders would be pretty chill about their party choices. However, I imagine there would be times that people could get left out because of their build. It remains to be seen how often this would happen. Maybe other people have ideas to add to this one. One question I have about this idea is: How do you enter the map if the minimum amount of people is three? Do you need to form a party and if one person enters, everyone enters? What about the spawnrate. Does is spawn once per hour or whenever a party enters? And if so, is there a limit per day? Keeping the EXP the same sounds reasonable as long as the HP is increased significantly.
Thanks for the feedback! 1. Drops could be altered to make it more appealing for Islanders, but nothing too flashy. Otherwise we might have the issue of Islanders bringing them off the island, and of course, they would have to be balanced and reasonable, so there would be no shift in meta. Other equips I've had in mind were: Spoiler: Equips Chief Axe. IIRC from talking with other islanders, they told me Islanders never had anything for Thanksgiving events, so this could be our little event-ish? :3 Maplehontas. Save reason as above Pilgrim Hat. Same reason as chief axe. Though these might be a bad idea, since these are event items. But yeah, I would want other Islander's feedbacks on what items they would want, along with a reason. I agree with having the Rainbow-colored snail shell stay in the droplist. Imagine racing from both ends of Amherst as a snail. 2. I truly believe that most islanders would be chill about party choices, if not, they should at least rotate members after everyone. After all, the whole point of islanding is to have fun, Am I Right? But yeah, the main reason I wanted to have a party limit is so that it feels more of like an Islander Party Quest. Piggybacking on the idea of having a secret portal at . I feel like inside that portal, we should have an NPC. Kind of like Lakelis of KPQ. That way, even if low level people were able to get on that platform, and go inside the portal, they still wouldn't be able to enter it. As for how often it spawns, and limits per day, I have 2 proposals: 1. Boss spawns every time you go on, and you can only go in twice a day. Pretty standard. 2. Boss spawns every time you go in, but you can go in infinite amount of times. The reason I bring this up, is say on some day, there are 3 islanders online. All 3 of them party up, and do their 2 runs of the day. But say like halfway through their second run, another islander logs on, there are only 4 islanders online. Now that islander can't participate. I know this sounds silly, and very situational, but I'm pretty sure it will happen. Also, if this were to be the case, maybe nerf the amount of exp and drop rates of items. I'd also like to hear other islanders feedback regarding this. 3.Increasing the amount of HP the boss has would definitely make things more fun!
Again, I philosophically disagree with the idea of changing the island like this. However, if I didn't have a choice and this was guaranteed to be implemented, I would want to be able to use AP resets as I have invested heavily into Int and Luk for metal wand and avoid. I'm not the only one, many islanders have a similar build. I feel like this would be disadvantageous to us, as we were not aware that any bosses would be available on the island, otherwise we may have built our characters differently from the start.
This is the most difficult issue to resolve. How can such a boss be balanced for all types of AP builds while keeping the fight interesting? I think @Mooshy's party idea helps, but if you invested heavily into int and luk, a party would be handicapping themselves by taking you with them. We need some more good ideas on how to resolve this issue. For the record, I do not have a clear yes or no stance on this idea. If the boss is to be added, it needs to be done in a way that is balanced for everyone. If someone comes up with a way to resolve the balance issue, I would be in favor of it. However, if Mushmom is just added in as-is, I'm against that.
I think this is this case if there is a limit to how often you can kill the boss per day. However, if the boss spawns whenever you go in, people will form mushmom-killing parties and farm it for several hours. In this case, people with less optimal builds could be left out. I had a few ideas on how to create a balanced, yet interesting fight. Idea one The first idea is to have different builds be better at different things that are all essential (or at least helpful) in killing the boss. An example would be scaling three snails damage based on accuracy (for this boss only!). This way dex/luk landers can do some serious damage, even though they don't have a lot of strength. EDIT: Not everyone has three snails, so this idea is flawed. Idea two Another idea, based on the first one, is to give the boss invulnerability. The boss also has a powerful attack which would kill most islanders in one hit. However, there is a way to kill the boss; people can set up a shield (either a skill or item). This shield lasts for 2 seconds and has a 4 seconds cooldown. If the boss' attack is blocked by such a shield, there is a chance the attack is reflected back to the boss. This chance scales with int/luk/dex. When the boss is hit by this reflected attack, it becomes vulnerable to damage for 10 seconds. The islanders can now go hit the boss. This is where the STR landers shine. These are still rough ideas, but it may spark some more ideas in other people.
I think having Mushmom or another boss is a great idea. Events like this (bossing on Maple Island) will bring more islanders to the community. Of course, keeping maple island as it is without making major changes is very important for sustaining the simplicity and originality of maple island. However, adding a mushmom and limiting the exp/drops to remove any off-island items would satisfy this.... There needs to be events that attract more islanders in joining us- not only would bossing be a great way to bond with other islanders, but it would also add an element of surprise and a new challenge for us as well (as if grinding wasnt challenging enough lol). just my two cents. Sharla- lvl 26 islander (played an islander back in 07-09, scania)
I think having a boss for Islanders is a fantastic idea as long as its: 1. Powerful but not TOO overpowered to where only luck/dex Islander builds can only deal with it. 2. Not the only source of level grinding so we can still farm on Pigs & Orange Mushrooms. 3. Has reasonable drops something similar that Mooshy mention above.
I'm fully supportive of this. Been active on the island for over 2 months now and the guild is so inactive. Log in at various points through the day and I'm almost always the only member online or sometimes 1/2 others max and anniversary event is probably the most active time of the year The island needs something fresh or this community is going to die out. Even if Mushmom had all her drops and xp removed it would at least give us something extra to do. 100% would like to see this in game
wtf i've never seen such a thoughtful and respectful feedback thread in my entire life islanders are the literal pocahontas of this server
While this feedback was never disregarded, it's difficult to understand if there are Islanders against the idea, as well as how many of those who voted in the poll are in fact active Islanders. So don't be fooled into thinking that further discussion here is futile or meaningless!
As an active islander I can say the old generation of Islanders against change is effectively gone. Myself and @Mooshy have been actively trying to regain population and some changes to spice it up are welcomed whole heartedly
For the most part, I know it's mainly the "older" Islanders that are against this idea. But I find that to be very hypocritical, since a majority of them moved on to another server, (which got DMCA'd), and that server happened to have a lot of custom content on Maple Island. As for how much custom content, you can see for yourself. Shout out to Debling for supplying the pictures. Spoiler: Unimeme Now I'm not sure if this custom Mano got added or not, but it was definitely a work in progress. Custom NPC's Custom NPC items Custom drops on there server I'm not saying that all of the old Islanders went to go play on that server, but I know for a fact that a majority of them did. I know that custom drops =/= custom bosses. But when the original mobs are getting custom drops, I don't see much of a difference for adding a boss, since the only thing that would be beneficial from the boss, would be the EXP gained (assuming that we also gave the boss custom drops that wouldn't be game-breaking). As for the people who actually voted, I assume that the staff should be able to see how many Islanders actually voted. But seeing as over 80%(at the time of this post) of the people who voted on the poll, voted "yes". The addition of "x" content could indeed attract other people to make an Islander also.
Add Mushmom/Mano. I have got a suggestion. Add an Islander Medal. To obtain it, you have to finish a questline which is only available at Lv30 (or something). Note: I am not an islander myself so this is purely a suggestion. Kill the monster and obtain the islander medal. Make the Boss with ridiculous summoning abilities. (To encourage multiple players kill it in a party, not solo, since beginners got no AOE attacks). Personally, I could picture Mushmom being a better boss as it can attack players via range. Regarding the INT and DEX built, I would highly suggest that the Boss has super high defense, and the maximum attack towards it is 50 (the max health of pig), to ensure everyone stands a chance. No drops / EXP from the boss. Just the quest line + medal provided. Sounds fair? Medal Stats: Nope. No stats. Req: Lv30 Then maybe for those who are dedicated on Maple Island, you could make a 99 kills quest for another medal, "Islander Champion" or something. Idk. Just brainstorming. Have fun. EDIT: Yes, I will make an islander if this is implemented. I’m sure more will.