If you try you hardest at something, you can't try any harder because you're already trying your hardest. Don't stress yourself out over something you're over committing or overthinking towards. P.S. good luck to everyone that's going back to school this week
https://i./8Kp0KL8/Screenshot-20200107-180523-Gallery.jpg when ur parents are scrolling through vacation photos u took of them and come dangerously close to ur yaoi collection
The worst feel of all time is when you go to sleep super early in the morning, for example 4am. Then your body wakes you up naturally like 4 hours later. Uhm, body? Excuse me?
Spoiler: GAAAAAH~!! Spoiler: must Spoiler: resists Spoiler: from Spoiler: buying FLUFFY PLUSHIES~!!!!!!
I finally got my first job out of university!! I'm starting next week!! No more graduate internships on crap pay, time to finally pay student loans off, start saving, start dating hot girls, buy new house and no more feeling bored staying at home unemployed
If someone is willing to choose you over something or someone they adore, they're a keeper. Don't lose track of them. Do whatever it takes to keep that certain person in your life at all times.
You decided to see other people, and you broke up with me through a measly text message. You're a coward for not telling me why you want to break up, and for not telling that to me face to face. We've been together for two years. It's almost our anniversary too. We laughed and cried together for two years. How am I supposed to be happy when you wished for both of us to be happy? You're far more mature than this. Stop avoiding my questions.
With that one, the irony is strong. Yoda says. Damn, time flew by so quickly when you're enjoying yourself. Special Relativity really needs to be revised to take into account that the more fun you have, the faster time goes by. Looking forward to our upcoming trip! And, cheers to the final semester!