If anyone is confused about why Gert said 550 and I paid less, we agreed on 500m, and I said I'll add more for using a middle man(so taxes won't reduce it to like 470) so I calculated whatever was needed and paid a bit more for comfort (The seller recieved ~503m). Thanks a lot @Gert for helping and @djessy for the transaction!
S>Name ideas -Price: Pay whatever you wish. Message me on forums and I will think up some igns for you. =)
S> the ign "sids7" if you have played Royals for over a year then you understand the significant of memes applicable to such a name. @sids known for numbering his characters completely originally starting at sids then to sids2, sids3 etc etc. Well sids-sids6 have been created and sids8+. sids7 is where I saw the opportunity to invest over a year ago. Now the time has come where it should be passed onto the next person who wants it for however they see fit. I'll take one WS or CS in exchange for the ign. Thanks! Also have sids1, but I think I'll keep that one for now.