Hello there i was wondering how does MON work on Night lord and how mush this effect TT(30) as well. As long as i know TT take more damage when you have more luk but also take effect depende on your range (? Is kinda hard to understand this at least for me... so of anyone can help me with this should be great Also a 28 luk HTP is bether then a 8 att 6+ luk mon (?
Lucky Seven/Triple Throw (credit to HS.net / LazyBui for recent verification): MAX = (LUK * 5.0) * Weapon Attack / 100 MIN = (LUK * 2.5) * Weapon Attack / 100 Seems to work like this. Sources: Royals AyumiLove So it only uses your LUK and weapon attack to calculate damage. But if I remember correctly STR and DEX both increase NL range but won't actually increase TT damage. Please correct me if I'm wrong though
Assuming 4.4 luk=1 wa, only perfectly chaosed twice (+5)+egged 13/13/13/13 htp can compete with an 8 atk 6 luk MON. Even then, the MON is slightly better. I mean, practically speaking it is much easier to loot an 8 atk mon than to loot a 13 luk htp and land +5 two times in a row. There are plenty of people with an 8 atk MON, however I have never seen someone with 35+ stats htp, let alone perfect 38.
got this on bucc (rip) P.S. Not too sure, but seems like generally htp seems to be better than mon? - considering that many people would have to sacrifice luk earrings to wear dex ones if they equip mon.
I believe the other consideration is that a mon can give better base range but worse apple range because when you add another 100 atk from apple the flat 8 atk from mon is less % of your total wep atk, whereas the ratio of htp stats / total stats is unaffected by apple. This is also dependent on your level (when you are lvl 200 the relative stats from htp is less). So as wep atk increases htp gets better (funding + atk pots), but as your level increases htp gets worse.
Theoretically, with Triple Throw's Damage formula it seems like MoN > HTP. Not exactly the best with my math, but having an extreme limit of HTP of 38luk to compare against an average 8wa MoN Example 1200Luk w/o HTP/MoN, with other Gears & MW 95wa DPS, 60wa (Glove + Cape + Shoes + Carat), 3wa Medal, 30wa Balanced Fury Player owns 2 different Necklace, MoN (5luk 8wa) Chaosed +5 +5 on perfect HTP (38luk) TT formula MAX = (LUK * 5.0) * Weapon Attack / 100 MoN 5luk 8wa 1200luk 95wa DPS + 60wa gears + 3wa medal + 8wa MoN (5luk) +100wa apple +30wa Balanced Furies 1200luk + MoN (5luk) = 1205luk (1205x5)x (95+60+3+8+100+30)/100 = 6025 x 296/100 = 17834 HTP 38luk 1200luk 95wa DPS + 60wa gears + 3wa medal + HTP (38luk) +100wa apple +30wa Balanced Furies 1200luk + HTP(38luk) = 1238luk (1238x5)x (95+60+3+100+30)/100 = 6190 x 288/100 = 17827.2 MoN w/ apple = 17834 MoN w/ apple & echo = 18496 HTP w/ apple = 17826 HTP w/ apple & echo = 18505Still the amazing avoid from HTP does make a difference in DPS. @nyannko777
U got math up. Cant post it now, but to summerize theres only 2 jobs that seem more benefits from htp, compared to a nice or perf mon that is mages and Bm(if htp is 35dex+ compared to a 6dex 7att mon)
you completely left the attack from claw out >.<" with your values and a 95dps: MoN w/ apple = 17834 MoN w/ apple & echo = 18496 HTP w/ apple = 17826 HTP w/ apple & echo = 18505 although i think the assumption of you having the same amount of LUK when using a MoN is a little bit off
Oh, wtf! adjusted the claw into the formula, For pushing to the extreme limit, indeed it's possible to adjust the character's Gearing such as the meta Top and Bottom into a perfect lvl100 overall to have an additional 20+luk. Still, I guess it still falls under how one would build his/her NL or where the untradeable/cs-ing gods lead you to
Since meeting dex requirement for 140 or 150 to wear claw is easy now days, the end game pendant is luk 11 attack 8 mon. No doubt. But most unfunded nightlord rookie will need+20 dex from pendant to wear claw. Then non godly HTP, which provides 42~46 luk and dex stats, will be much better option than non godly Mon, which provides only 8~12 luk and dex stats and 1~3 attack. And obtaining attack 8 Mon is far more convenient and less expensive than the luk 38 HTP. Finding HT pt and making dragon elixer and doing 1~2 hours boss run for luk 13 HTP that drops rarely. Then cs scrolling and land +5 in a row on that particular pendant. All those CS and WS that you will waste on the untradable pendants that have zero returning value. It's just a nightmare.