~ Recreational is an active chatty bossing guild with a great Alliance to boss with aswell. ~ We're looking for ACTIVE members that are 120+ (135 preferably for bossing.) If you want to be apart of something fun and get some nice loot Recreational might just be your new home! ~ Active bossing GPQs/APQs/ZRuns etc... ~ Active discords ~ Allianced with 4 other bossing guilds. ~ You can sign up here via post reply, or whisp me in-game IGN: duckystar ~ Just post your: IGN: timezone: Level: How active you are: "When I get angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset… people die!" - DEvil
IGN: Shlooshi timezone: Eastern european(Israel) lv39 cleric, still new to the server but planning to stay
Hi, I'd like to join. Just joined this version,. IGN: CreamLotus Level 14 Warrior (planing to be DK) Uk time Zone GMT Mainly active Weekends and if free some weekdays.
IGN: Reify timezone: EST Level: 87+ Priest main, others in the works... How active you are: Daily Everyone in my last guild is ??
IGN: N64Child Timezone: PST Level: 149 Drk (and leveling quickly) Active: Playing everyday Because I'm not trying to guild hop I need to ask a few questions to see if this may be the right guild for me (not trying to sound condescending, I just don't wanna be rude and leave early). What timezone is the guild in? I'm in PST. What guilds are in the alliance? Is the alliance chat actively social/asking for bossing? How often does Recreational boss and what bosses do they do? (I'm not trying to smega everyday just to finish dailies). I do Zak, Krex, Pap, and CWKPQ everyday. I plan to Shao, HT, Toad, etc. Is the guild/alliance member-inclusive for bossing or is there only a set group of members that boss with each other? (Problem in current guild) Finally, how many members are usually on and is the discord active? What else should I know? Thanks