Taking offers on rare 1 of a kind "League of Legends" names that my brother and I acquired back in 2014. 1. Swain 2. Skarner 3. Rammus 4. Fiddlesticks 5. Warwick These names below are extremely well fit for MapleRoyals since their champions in league have VERY similar abilities. Don't offer if you don't think you can spend alot. -> Thresh -> Karthus
Heres a few- S> Brass Chemicals Deed Mercury Nostaigic (copying the look of Nostalgic in game) Obliteration Opinion Saturn
Not sure if this is going to be updated but I'll like to remove Shuiro and Uteki. Unjust is still available. I'll also add Zeroth and Aurica for sell if anyone is interested.
The thread has undergone a revamp and I have taken ownership from @Codey. I'd like to thank him for starting the thread and updating it for so long. I'd also like to welcome a new middleman, @Jooon! They will be able to help with deals from now on! Please read the updated first post and any posts from here on out must follow the rules listed (on either buying or selling an IGN) to be added to the list of IGNs for Sale or IGNs Wanted!