Cant state this as a fact, but this isnt my personal opinion etiher, this is from the information gather from newbie players to the top tier players(bcs if ure pro, doesnt means that everyone can do the same, in your hands AMs can be the perfect seduce bait, but cant consider AMs as the "meta seduce bait", also the fact that u cant do some thing bcs u dont have the proper skills to, doesnt means that is not possible or easy to do) Also being a tier list doesnt admit things like "i dont like this so..bottom tier" doesnt work like that...for example i always loved blue eyes archetype in yu gi oh, LOVE THEM, but that doesnt make tier1...or even meta sadly... Another thing is the fact , thta i dont think theres any bad class here..theyre just decent to godly.... Meta things in Mapleroyals. 1.-making mesos 1.1 ulu/leech/farming 2.- Not bossing, true is zaking-hting(wich relvance is 70% of meta game actually) 3.-leveling 4.-bossing in general. TIER1 NLs.- dont need to say anything, we all know Bishops.-THE BEST support class ever...i dont rember any other game tht has a support like this one,our egos( i know not everyone quit maining a bish) not let us enjoy supporting anyone else while he/she shining, but let me tell you IMO bishs are better at support than nls as atackers...damn so many support skills hs,shield,ress,heal,etc,etc,etc TIER2 BM.-they have THE BEST buff in game, i dont rember any boss run when se dced at the start that i continued to,also quite good dps... TIER3 BUCCS.-SI is a quite situational buff, but when it needed is AMAZING (ive done 3 ht runs in less than an hour counting pre heads with no nls and si makes a HUGE difference HERO.- vainilla class, not excel at anything, but good enough at everything...easy to play, easy to fund..just good and easy. MM.- seems like im the only one the put mms higher thaty many other classes, MMs are the poorest member of the rockefeller family(u can make fun of him, but still way richer than u)...its like.... bruh, i got SE ,IM BETTER THAN YOU. except by nls/bish/and Bms, who can make fun of MMs? SMEGA NO1: No1 "x" Job J-ht pm me SMEGA NO2: washing MM 15k hp max SE J-ht no dmg...who u think its gonna get more pms?still mms are a nerfed Bm So, it would be ok if they get some kind of buff "TIER4"(THIS DOESNT EXIST xd) drks.-my personal favorite...but wich such a hard handicap, for being barely decent is like...bruh..on the other hand,if u are skillfull enough this is by far the warrior who get more benefited of having all bad(but can be better) Pallys.- strong ,crash..excellent... but... one of the most overrrated jobs. here theyre """""OP"""""" NO, theyre not OP, stop saying that ...bu..bu..but they can get 199k dmg with no se and no apple that also means thta they get no benefit for apples if they are funded enough...still way under nls single dps, a little above drk/hero single dps.but....those are multitarget... so pallys are excellent, but not as good as ppl think they are. Sairs.- STRONGER CLASS IN GAME *on the perfect conditions* wich onlly happens at krex aaaaand, krex..and maybe some of neo tokyo bosses, "i fell 1 million times" at ht also named sairs, with no avoid and the handicap of ship/unship, makes them kind of a bluff..(dont saying theyre bad, i stated at trhe start theres no bad jobs) TIER5 shads.-kinda hard to explain, but shads are pretty good actually, but they have a LOT, A LOT of handicaps..wich makes them IMO the worst bossing class, if u manage to solve those handicaps, u can excel...but not for everyone, for most of us maining a shad can be a mistake. and finally AMs...sadly just leechers/farmers for unfuned players.(if ure funded better make a bish), oh, and if u cut @Jooon hands, can be the best seduce bait...
There's only one class you should care about! Other classes are useless, you nerds! Spoiler: Spoiler Im joking
increase dmg cap f3 NL - cheapest and best dps, alchemist and fj, se isnt a problem usually Bucc - cheap wash(not needed), very good dps, iframe, si BM - se, good dps, expensive wash Bish - healing, leeching, hsing just best support Shad - imo best multi target dps + possible one of the best single target dps, wash optional Sair - can be very good if well played but ship is annoying Hero - cheap wash, very good multi target dps, ez to play Arch Mages - leeching mostly but need hs mule, cheaper than bish Drk - cheap wash, harder to play than hero, 15k hp may be a problem sometimes MM - se, snipe give u good dps early if u poor, expensive wash Pal - crash, good single target dps on some bosses, not sure if he has multi target skill
S TIER: Night Lord: It's really easy to do damage with this class compared to Corsairs. Insane movility and avoidability. Bishops: Buffs provided are op + if you are gonna play the game, this is class is a must have. Corsair: My personal favorite. Really fun kit, has the best damage in the game if played correctly, and a high skill cap. A TIER: BM: Only cause of SE. B TIER: The buffed classes so they weren't useless. C TIER: Hero is better than DK's cause they don't need to fight at 12k hp all the time. D TIER: DKs and good petri leeching classes. I mean, that's the only thing they are good for. F TIER: Buff pls I wanna play MM.
My personal thoughts from playing: Spoiler What I've gathered from other people's perception: Spoiler [Marksman] - Considered a weak class and in my opinion, they are. They're kind of in a desperate need of a buff especially after their Snipe nerf as it was a slap in the face to an already struggling class. [Shadowers] - Underrated class that has a poor reputation even though their performance says otherwise. Great in Zakum especially if paired with another melee, a supportive party carry in Dojo, and a good duo partner in Shao. I'm not sure why people dislike them but I do think they struggle in maximizing their equips. [Paladins] - I've seen more crash mules than I have Paladins actually being in a run. Supposedly, they're a good class with excellent damage in the suited places they can succeed but in practice, people avoid choosing them in my opinion. When others are asked why they didn't pick a Paladin, it's usually said that they're just straight up weak at multi-target. Probably the saddest I've heard was that BW Paladins can reach a point where gaining more range just didn't seem efficient since they can hit cap damage pretty frequently. [Corsairs] - It's hard to form an exact opinion on them. If you see a Sair, it's usually mained by a rich player in the server and therefore mainly used in secluded groups/runs. You can sparsely find low funded Sairs but they can kind of be an 'eh' and will usually be replaced by an NL. One thing I can say, Sairs are usually very dedicated.
it's just for fun. but anyways HT is a big oof now that normal runs are either going to take longer or cost more.
Updated my list Old: New: Tier Shifts Shadower [C >>> B]: Shadowers can now reach almost every bodypart in HT with their best attack combo. The most important difference is that Shadowers can now hit Head A with Assassinate+Boomerang Step. This allows Shadowers to party with Heroes and Dark Knights now since they can now help with Head A. Ideally a Shadower would still attack from where Heroes/Dark Knights do but this change has given them much more versatility in terms of party composition. I might have ranked them slightly higher in C-tier but I feel that the 25% nerf to Shadow Shifter far outweighs the extra 30 seconds of Smokescreen per 10 minutes.
S) -NL is the best attacker class and easiest to play -BS is the best utility class for bossing by far with hs,dispel,ress door,heal, not to mention crazy survivability and they’re great outside of bossing A) -BM 2nd best utility with Se along with very solid dps arguably the best area bosser -Sair 2nd best attacker class they are the most powerful with se/si but NLs edge them out with their avoidability B) -Bucc is a very versatile class great utility with Si&TL and also great dps, the stronger of the melee classes -Pally with the addition of elemental weaknesses have become the strongest warrior(single target) and the most useful warrior with crash. Also the cheapest to fund C)- Shad are very good dps dealers And the tankiest class but not enough utility skill to be prioritized for party’s smoke cooldown time is way to high -Drk opposite of Shad their dps is slow but because of HB they can be a priority in boss parties i also believe they can potentially out dps Heros. Also if Pink Bean is released HB will be very valuable once again D) -Marksman have bad dps Even with snipes consistent 199k but have the essential and scarce utility skill SE so are always welcomed to parties -Hero’s are very solid dps dealers but are useless utility wise, I don’t think their dps is enough to make up for their lack of party skills and I feel they are weaker than most melees in a lot of scenarios. I have them below marksman because I feel like boss runs can definitely do without a Hero F)- Archmages fun classes but only serve 2 purposes Farming and Leeching even with that you still need to create a priest/bs for HS. Bishops are just as good if not better at farming/leeching and they’re staples to boss runs so there’s really no point in creating an Archmage unless you really like the classes or want something cheaper than a Bishop to self leech your characters