Hi guys, you can call me Lumi. I was feeling nostalgic and decided I wanted to play maplestory again like in the old days before big bang. This server appears to have 1000 players on at a given time which is fantastic! I'm looking to make a bunch of friends and hopefully we can have many fun experiences together. For my first character, I've decided to go with a Bishop. If anyone has any helpful tips they want to pass along, feel free to add me (IGN: LostLumiere) or simply post here! Look forward to running into you guys in game!
Welcome to Royals! You will meet great friends along the way. Choose whichever class you feel best. Play safe.
Read the rules carefully. "I acept the term and conditions" check withouth reading them(wich is something were used to do everytime) is kinda the worst decisition u can make in this server.other than that the community is great, and u will have fun. WELCOME!