I'm getting ready to wash a character here soon, and I'm interested in a few different classes. Obviously I understand that NL>all in terms of DPS other than a corsair in their battleship, but I do not want to make a NL. (#hipster) My question: When people are smega'ing for attackers, are they only interested in NL's? Where do Marksman/BM/Sair/Shad come when finding a raid?
I am a lvl 200 paladin with a pretty hefty range and still get refused from zak and ht parties. Make whatever class you want and make a group of friends to boss with. Also, just be prepared to be silently rejected. They just dont bother messaging you back once they figure out your class .
Hi, sairs do the most damage at zak, cwk, bodyguard, krex, some neo Tokyo bosses, etc. It's their loss if they decide to pass you for somebody else.
That's so sad >.< Good thing I'll be playing with a couple of friends so hopefully it isn't so sad. I want to avoid the rejection on days when I can't play with friends, however. Thanks for the insight¬ Oh wow, that's a lot more than I was imagining. I've always loved sair but have made them like 4 separate times on other servers and am looking for something a bit different. Do Marksman/BM's get passed up as attackers if someone already has HS, from your experience?
bumping this cause im still confused as to where Shadowers and Xbow/BM stand in bossing in terms of "r>strong attacker"
I play Marksman. You're the SE slot. Parties usually only need 1 SE character but people play SE less than most attackers, so you should have almost no problem getting on a party. My range is pretty good but if you play SE they almost never ask for range so long as your level isn't too low and you have enough HP to live the boss. You always see people R>SE in smegas. I've never been denied cause I was a Marksman and not a BM, but also my range was above average. The bigger focus is to make friends to become consistent boss buddies. As Happlo said, people might just deny you even though your range is respectable maybe cause they just want 4NLs SE BS. It's important to get friends to run with you that you trust won't D/C. I'd rather have a 6k range NL I know won't d/c unless some freak incident than an 8k range NL that d/cs in half of my HT's.
R>strong attacker is code for 'we need a carry' so you might not even want to join. Guild bossing is more fun than joining randoms too.
I wouldn't concern yourself too much on the pecking order of classes and play something that serves the role you want to fill. Its not difficult to get into pub runs for most bosses and most people get into a guild or buddy group for higher level content. You can check the theoretical DPS chart since update 59 here (keeping in mind thats single target DPS). To answer your question more directly, "R>Attackers" typically refers to any non-Mage class unless otherwise specified.