Make it tradable, so that people who can't run ZAK due to client sided graphical issues can achieve getting the skillbook. or you know, fix the entire issue already? SoonTM 2016...
See the issue is, even if you do get TT,and if your computer is unable to handle the graphics, what will be the application of it?
I am using VMware now for a long time. At major bosses i really rarely dc, and if i do it's mostly because of a power outtage or if the internet dies, however i'd dc even without VMware in these cases. At Zakum i think i never dc'd with VMware and at Horntail just a 2-3times in like 100+ HT runs. Anyways, you should install Windows XP on your VMware-> Install VMware Tools on it (top left corner you'll find this option) Then you copy on your computer the mapleroyals.exe, go onto your VMware Desktop and paste it there. So you don't have to download it twice. Then you install MapleRoyals on the VMware and set it's compatibility mode to "Run in mode for: Windows 2000" It'll fix the gfx issue aswell removing the need to gfx ever again. You might still have some graphical artifacts once in a while, however gfxing won't be neccessary nor would it help to not dc, anymore. Once you've done that, go into the Windows Firewall settings of your VMware and make an exception for MapleRoyals. Then go into your host computers Firewall and make an exception for VMware aswell. This should work, let me know at which steps you need further assistance or which steps do not work. I'll check the forums once in a while.