Hi guys, I'm quitting and have lots of random items to give away. I want to give to people who need, so if you are just looking to resell/merchant please do not reply Items include: ores, clean equips, lots of 10% weapon scrolls, some 60% scrolls, warrior gear, beginner gear, some itcg, weapon stimulators Please use the following format: ign: class: what I would like: (optional) how has covid-19 affected me: Spoiler: Example ign: dexlessSIN18 class: hermit what I would like: 60% overall dex, ilbis, or just 1m would be nice how has covid-19 affected me: can't see my friends at school anymore If I feel like I have something you could use, I will PM you I will close this thread in 1 week (uninstalling the game) but hopefully I can help 1 person!!
Hey man, i am a starting mapler currently at lv 65 assasin. I would like to have ilbis stars. Ign is ;Yorman My birthday was yesterday but couldnt invite anyone to come over so thats a bit sad. Thanks very much anyways for doing this and supporting others. Respect
Hello I would appreciate your help iv'e just opened a warrior for nostalgic xD My IGN in MaplerRoyals is: Milenkovich. Thanks for your help mate
Hello just started on this server, so would pretty much like anything beginner/warrior tailored to start ign: Tager class: warrior what I would like: anything helps really. I guess if i had to choose, things that would help a new account out or warrior things? how COVID19 affected me: family member that lives overseas is sick, currently being treated in a hospital and is (slowly) recovering
Class: hermit What I would like: 60% helm dex or shoe jump. Covid is terrible just came back to release some stress with mapleroyals, sad to see you go though. Anyway I havent got a zak helm cause i cant jump for nuts so I hope to get a targa helm soon and I could use with some dex scrolls.
Ign: Heathcliff class: Page what I would like: Warrior gear (optional) how has covid-19 affected me: I actually don't really mind about staying inside. I was in this situation since september due to a medical condition. But just as I was starting my new job and getting my life back together, feeling healthier and not depressed, covid kicked be 2 steps backwards. Not only am I not able to play basketball, which got me out of depression, but also my immunity system is absolute garbage, and do be honest, I am terrified of dying.
Gave to all (except SinDitz, I'm looking for you!!) if I liked your post, it means I gave you something
ign: ChubbyYoshi class: Priest what I would like: any money or mage stuff would be really cool (optional) how has covid-19 affected me: My workplace let me go so I'm just playing some MS while I try to find somewhere else to work.
ign: wheretheABGs class: Cleric/Bishop what I would like: anything for bishop would be cool how covid-19 affected me: virtual classes and isolation
ign: Quarantines class:assian what I would like dosent matter just something that can help me out.. started yesterday. Thx
ign: Niroka class: Assassin what i would like: 5 steel bars for this darn quest I'm doing I've been trying to get them, but they're too expensive to buy for me lol ty in advance sir