OMG this is adorable! I wish I could draw like you I just returned to the server after a 4-year hiatus and this is my new look! I would love to use your drawing as my icon if you could draw it and allow me to!
hi pinappleru , i really like your chibi style maple character art work. If you happen to be free , may i ask for your art work too ? thanks
I doubt you'll get to everyone character so far but here is my mushroom lady, OGyej gamja for your high quality cute art ~
Amazing <3 If you're still drawing them, consider mine maybe? Do you have a website or a page with your work on it? I'd love to follow you!
These are so pretty! If you ever find the time, please add me to the list! Spoiler: Another option: Halloween Madori!
Kind of a long shot at this point but cross my fingers Pick whichever one you feel like drawing (one of the pets or a donut)