I appreciate every response ( if any ) but i appreciate more if you fully understood every word here before placing your reply. Okay so this whole mapowner thing is causing more drama than ever. People are even selling maps and i keep seeing smegas about '' Stop mapselling ''. How many players have already got banned for kill stealing or because some jackass used a mapowner tool just to report this guy. I feel sorry for those guys. So what if someone kills steals or steals your map? That was one of the best things 2003-2010 ever happened. People even had guild wars back then ( tiger and other most famous players of maplestory ). But here kids whine after getting inside their channel for 2 seconds and are already using mapowner tool and ready to take a good SS of you. Benefits of removing mapowner: - Players start leveling in other places and the world gets more adventurous - Players start to leech in other places - Other parts of the maple world gets alive again - Maple drama at it's best. - Players stop map selling which is a huge issue nowadays and fkin annoying too. - Many players actually can experience nostalgia what it used to be like back in the days. - Less bans = more players. - More freedom - The bad and boring cycle ends. People usually do the same stuff here when it comes to leehing, leveling or farming. More doors open and players actually start visiting other spots. Game becomes more adventurous, active and fun. - Players will get a chance to enter maps and train there without getting '' CC or i will report you because i own the map''. Some maps are usually full. - A good way to see who is a good or bad guy. - There will be more training party members. I rarely and i mean RARELY see players with 5-6 group members. This brings players together too. Some of you might just get all moody and think this is the end of the world. But damn i literally was killing not long ago in different places..few kills and some noobs were '' CC or ban '' and showed mapowner. SHIT i can't even kill in the same fkin map anymore just like in the old days of maplestory. This happened in victoria island and the players were like less than level 30. Hell with you i'm sure everyone agrees that CH1 is the best channel ever and i don't wanna kill / travel alone in random channels where i barely meet people. I was once killing with this party member and some random high level guy appeared and started AoE everything. My party member told him to CC and other shit and started using ~mapowner tool. But i actually said Hi to this guy and we started chatting. He eventually joined our party and helped us level. Easily i could have added this guy to my friend list. A player owning a map all to himself is not fair and also very stupid. Ruins the community and is pushing players away even though MapleRoyals should be a nostalgic private server people knew back then. If it's not nostalgic then stop advetising it as nostalgic. At least make channels 1-10 free for everyone. I understand if mapowner worked for certain high level boss spots but this is actually pretty screwed up rule. This guy once got banned for kill stealing certain low level mobs in ludibrium but the other channels were free. Back in the days it was either you or the KSer who had to CC. It was a test of patience but usually it brought people together and partying was a big deal back then. Here it's rare.
Seriously what is your problem? That wasn't necessary at all. I have every right to post my suggestions and feedback here just like everyone else.
Well maybe we can let mapowner stay but maybe remove the mapselling and actually owning the map lol. It causes more disbenefits to the game and players.
Completely serious- how does removing mapowner facilitate this? The only way I can think of this working out is because the popular places become such cluster fucks of KSing that no one can actually train there. Selling maps will still 100% be a thing, and so will stealing maps to sell- just like on GMS. Polio sucked too- doesn't mean we should bring it back. If they're full- how are you going to train if not by trying to take it? Assholes will still be assholes, but now they can do it and not get banned, so it just hurts regular players. I highly doubt this. If people aren't training in parties now, they won't without mapowner. And he has every right to post. I mean- you did include... Only hackers and rule breakers like people not getting banned.. Also- don't spam the thread. If you feel the need to double post, just edit your last post and or wait for someone else to reply. Edit: People might not tell you "CC or get banned" if you ask if you can train there with them. It sounds like you're just coming in, planning to ignore mapowner unless they push it- which, im sorry, just kind of makes you a dick. I've never had problems sharing a map with someone who has asked, and I've asked and the person is almost always happy to share. General map etiquette is a thing and if you aren't doing it with mapowner, there's ZERO reason people should believe it'll happen without mapowner.
-sigh- sorry im new here. I hope my double posting didn't offend anyone here I guess i am a hacker / rule breaker just like you claimed here ( not really but still pathetic bro come on ). Anyways you do realize that there are many single player map reports in random places because of mapowner tool? Also most leeching places already have 1-3 players but not more and the reason is because it's considered '' full '' because someone already owns the map and nobody dares to enter it. It can be any map really. So if more players join the map, it's either a party, CC, drama or nothing. People maybe stop waiting for their turn to enter the map and goes to other place ( adventure ). Also personally i have played maplestory since 2004 and i have never seen a player or a single SMEGA of someone selling their map. It's impossible unless you have a whole guild + alliance by your side. If this would happen it would actually be pretty badass and cool which brings players closer too. Also don't compare new GMS to old school. New sucks and community / game is dead. What is full to you? Do you mean by party members having 6 members or literally a map that has 15 members? Because a single player can already have a whole map to itself and considered it '' full '' by using mapowner. If the maps are full filled with player then other channels of course. Until you find a party member or your own spot to kill. That's how it has been since 2003. I used to level with 6 guys usually but occasionally a random player entered and easily took his own spot by asking us ( or not ) because didn't wanna CC or other channels were full ( max party or filled with players ). It's nothing asshole to be free inside a game and kill / be where you want to be. It doesn't hurt anyone. If it hurted you in the past then you're the saltiest guy ever no offence of course. Doubt what? The past of GMS is your evidence. Ask anyone or watch videos of maplestory since 2004 and see that community was a multi millionaire player back then. I still haven't seen a 5-6 player party here in royals. Not even after checking every CH of popular training spots. Take a look yourself if you don't believe. Players are greedy here and abuse map owner tool. If player has no other choice then obviously any idiot can say that he / she will ask for a party. But how can someone ask for a party when players are abusing map owning tool huh? How can players build a party when people tell them to CC? How can players build a party when everyone already things that '' this guy owns this map i guess i should already CC or get shit from him / her because the rules are shit ''. And wow did you just say only hackers and rule breakers like people not getting banned? I already said on my last reply that keep the mapowner tool but make it illegal to make someone report you for it or illegal to sell the maps. But you obviously didn't read it and instead you came here and called me a hacker / rule breaker.. you don't even deserve to be a forum moderator dude. You literally called so so many players / old maplers a hacker / rule breaker. I am making a good point here and you come here and call me a hacker while many legit player has actually said that mapowning / mapselling sucks. And it does suck. Why should a single player own a whole freaking map to himself anyways? Keep the mapowning tool but change the rules that mapselling and ACTUALLY map owning is illegal. And i still don't know how to reply to someone without double posting.
New GMS for me was big bang. I haven't played semi seriously since 2009/2010. Dunno, you're the one who said full. Full regardless what it means in terms of numbers, full is full. If it's full, how can you add more? I mean- I don't think its crazy that people who follow the rules want people who break them to get banned. The large majority of our bans are for hacking, botting, and RWT. So... if you don't like people being banned, your words, you don't like hackers, botters, and RWTers getting banned... Unless you mean specifically people who KS and get banned- which is vastly different and should have been stated as such. Elaborate as much as you want... why don't you like people who break rules to get banned?
It was you who was the answer the entire time. EDIT: Mapowner is a powerful tool that allows you to check for hackers without having to visually screenshot them. It also ends the harassment that is KS wars. Mass defame is bannable too in case you didn't know. Unfortunately we do not have the staff to have the scenario OP wants, which is essentially to have GM's on call 24/7 to deal with problems personally and immediately. None of the benefits you listed exist, they are lazy rationalizations that sit on a crutch of "It was like that before, therefore it was okay". Giving players a self regulating function is a no brainer positive, avoiding harassment, no brainier positive. Even if your benefits came to be, they do not out weight the benefits we have. Essentially mapowner is not a problem, its a solution, and you want to get rid of it because I assume you want to KS people, or you were embarrassed you didn't know about it when trying to report a hacker.
as @Rhynhardt & other people here already said, imo mapowner is too effective as a solution to many problems to just remove it entirely. I do agree on 1 thing u mentioned tho that ppl monopolizing maps, as in owning a map for a very long time and only leaving for $$ or some other incentive, are taking advantage of the mapowner system & imo thats also a problem. but that problem could be solved in other ways like maybe lowering the 3mins (i think?) time limit of owning a map without attacking or restricting the amount of time allowed to own a specific map or making map selling against the rules or some other solution.. removing mapowner entirely is def not the answer! edit: another (maybe) possible solution- changing the conditions for becoming/staying mapowner, in a way that just attacking once won't allow u to keep mapownership. u'll have to attack/kill for a certain amount of time in order to keep it.
free for all doesnt exactly work when everyone and their mother has multile 4th job mages another server has mapowner pass automatically to the next person who was in the map, if you really care about map selling that would make it very complicated
I saw many private servers collapse because KSing. People who lost the fight quit game alot. Mapowner system should be remained. (my opinion)
The only change to the mapowner system I'd support is removing it when changing channels, so multiple channels of area bosses can't be hogged. I think that is unfair. However, someone who is diligently training in a map deserves to continue holding and using that map. They got there first and they are making use of it, there is no reason that should just be taken away so someone else gets a turn.
I understand that you feel angry because some people abuse mapowner command, sell maps and there is no party training like the good old days... but I don't think removing mapowner command can solve these problems
I completely agree with this but, sometimes people stay in maps owning them without actually actively training. Just attacking once in awhile (or having their summon attack) so they can maybe train later or so they can sell the map.. that's why I think certain changes to the mapowner could be a good thing if they solve this map hoarding/monopolizing problem (including the multiple channels ownership for bosses problem) while retaining the 'good' benefits of mapowner
well if u mean other places to train in then ofc.. but maps like skeles/ulu2/petris are always owned by someone and atleast 3 chs are usually owned by people who only intend to train/leech later or are waiting for someone to buy the map or want to keep ownership for the time being for some reason without actually killing to their fullest potential. the best solution I've managed to think of is to keep track of the attack rate and/or movement of the map owner and if it is significantly low/er for a certain amount of time, allowing someone else with an higher attack/movement rate to get map ownership. but ofc it needs to be in a way that won't be affected by job/lvl/dmg/skill & only by the player's activeness. then again if something like this is too complicated to do (without having other problems I haven't thought about) this issue isn't that big a deal to me tbh lol. in total I'm pretty content with the way things r atm