Hello, I just spent $20 on RP and was wondering why it didn't show up in my account, then I spent another $10 just to see if there was some kind of issue. I made sure to log in again before buying the second time, so I think I just forgot before. I have proof of purchase/transaction IDs that I can provide to any admin, would it be possible to do this and be credited the 44 RP from my first purchase? Thank you!
On the forum home page it says that all RP payments are being delayed due to an issue on PayPal's side. Just hang tight and you should get it sooner than later. If you don't see it in a day or so I'd PM Matt or Tim about it.
Hmm, that's weird because my second purchase for $10 went through just fine and credited my account. I think it's just that I forgot to log in. I'll check back tomorrow, thank you!