I've been doing KPQ for the past 8 levels or so and I've noticed multiple glitches, others playing with me have been able to reproduce them or have said they've had the same effects. I looked around for a KPQ glitch thread and I only saw one that was closed...so I hope this is okay. If not, feel free to do what needs to be done with the thread. So far I've noticed (I say "randomly" because I've been unable to figure out what causes it) : - Randomly kicks entire party out of the game (at any stage) - Randomly prevents skills from being used (only first stage, that i've noticed) --- Sometimes using potions, or basic attacks, will 'reset' it or fix it. ---Sometimes being hit by a mob seems to fix it too. - Tickets dropped by ligators when killed by party members cannot be picked up (Intentional maybe? It says "Inventory is full" when trying) - Random crashes. --- A specific one I noticed seems to be related to trying to turn in tickets for the first stage. A dialog window pops up, then screen goes blank and you get disconnected from the server. Dialog window still stays on screen even at login screen, forcing you to close the client and re-open. Pretty sure there was more...but I've gotten distracted. I looked for a thread similar to this but didn't see any.
This is not KPQ Specific. This is a global glitch. It applies to any loots created by a player other than your killing the NPC. Seems to be a messed up loot protection, or just some bad random glitch. You probably only noticed it now since in this scenario you would almost always want to pickup someone else's loots. Can you verify that if two players inflict close to equal damage to a monster, neither can pickup the loot in the end?
Aha, thanks, I haven't noticed it before since I've only trained solo before. I can't verify it yet, but I'll test it out in a bit for sure and will reply back~
Just talked to another KPQ party ingame and they were having the same problem with the random kicking. It doesn't seem to be related to clicking on an NPC and just happens for no clear reason.
The timer bug is still around right? I recently made a fresh party for KPQ, total of 4 members on channel 1. We then changed to channel 2 and started to KPQ. We beat our first pq with 21 minutes to spare. We got kicked to the exit during Stage 2 on our 3rd pq exactly 21 minutes later.
I implemented something that destroys the instance your in when you leave the party quest that might fix this issue, can someone test for me and let me know if the problem persists?
Alright so I did some KPQs with a group but someone left before the timer could go for a full 30 minutes. Was very close too. My 2nd attempt, I made a fresh party and grabbed two people for a total of 3 members including myself and changed to a fresh channel. As soon as we got into the first KPQ I started my stopwatch app on my phone to keep track of time. We must of did 6 or so KPQs within 30 minutes. We waited in bonus stage for a couple minutes as the 30 minute mark was upon us. Unfortunately, we got kicked to the exit once the original 30 minutes ran out.
Sorry the mistake was on my part, the actual fix hasn't been implemented yet, sorry about that, I will let you know when it's live!
This should've been implemented from the start. I'd be standing outside hpq and the whole party would get warped in even though no one clicked anything. This is absurd and such a dissapointment MapleRoyals developers. One of the only issues I have. Sorry for the feedback in a non-feedback thread.
I wasn't aware of the issue until I saw this thread.....and as soon as I saw it I started working at a fix for it.
I did some more KPQ. Fresh party of 3, fresh channel. Kicked to exit 30 minutes after the start of the first KPQ. Since the same exact thing happened I figured the timer must reset after it runs the whole 30 minutes, so I went right back into a KPQ and ended up getting booted in the final stage. I wonder what that was about as a full 30 minutes didn't even pass. - I just tried to recreate what happened. Had a new party of 3, new channel. Did KPQs until the original timer kicked us. After that I recreated the party so I could add a new member. We went back into the KPQ on the same channel as a party of 4 and got booted to the exit during the final stage about 9 minutes into the KPQ. It seems I can take a fresh party to a fresh channel and KPQ as many times as we can within 30 minutes before getting kicked to the exit. The first KPQ to follow on the same channel after the initial 30 minutes will kick you to exit before another 30 minutes has passed.
Well thank you for for using your time to fix it, we appreciate it. But this same problem also persists with Ludibrium Maze (LMPQ). Although it seems to be more random.
Seems like it got fixed? I was running a whole bunch of KPQs prior to your patch but had real life get in the way and had to go MIA.