I thought it would be nice to start a thread like this. Has a GM been a positive influence on your MapleRoyals journey? Any specific interaction you remember with a GM made a lasting impact on you, maybe not just on your gaming life, but on your real life? From what I have read, all the GMs and Admins help out the MapleRoyals community on their time. They have lives, families, jobs, etc. but their dedication to making the MapleRoyals experience enjoyable and fair to the thousands of us who come here to have a good time... It's a selfless act that the MapleRoyals Staff does for this community, and I thought it only proper to thank them all. Look at the number of posts some of them have! Posts in the thousands!! A couple of them even have over 10,000!! And some of the posts they receive from people in anger of them just doing their jobs. It's not a job many of us would be able to do. So, I'll start this thread with my memories with a GM who is no longer with MapleRoyals, GM Sila. She did her job well, helped me out in the shoutbox dozens of times when i had questions, told me she had a hand in creating the Halloween Jump Quest from like 3 years ago. I thought that was so cool. My specific memory of her comes from the time she banned me for 3 days for being a moron. It was a humbling experience, and taught me a life lesson I still think about today. She banned me when I said something really stupid on a megaphone once. A server check was just about to happen because one of the channels was broken. Whoever went to that channel got their character stuck there. I thought it would be funny to say the mobs in that channel were dropping rare loot (I think I said white scrolls). Didn't have good hindsight on that one. Last I heard from her, she was dealing with Hurricane Irma in September 2017. I hope she is doing OK.
i would like to thank @Dimitri for inviting me to garbaggio and then immediately proceed to let everyone know that he was a haxx0r
Awesome thread @Shane For choosing the righteous path of the paladin and gracing Templar with EustaceBagge
Shane for being an MVP when Royals had major staff shortage. Tim, for when I see him replying in ban appeal I know it gon' be goood. @Johnny I'll thank you when you've run enough RR's to make "rare" NX weapons 5b or less
This one goes to Gert, I am very glad I could talk to you a little bit while we were apqing a some time ago and I made sure to thank you for beeing this awesome GM, but I didn't thank you enough, and I'll take this thread as an opportunity to do so. I would like to thank you for everything that you've done to help this server grow and improve even more, it's delightful to relive those nostalgic times with royals. I've always had one step back about players beeing GM's because you need to put so much time and effort on just beeing a gm alone. But I got very impressed by the way he handles stuff while treating you as nice as possible, making you feel unique and also beeing sure he listens to you even when he is short on time. When I make reports on the forum I always hope it is him who answers the post I really love your work! To the rest of the staff: I know this huge influx of players and hackers are getting you very loaded with stuff to do. Keep your head up and stay safe everyone. A huge thank you!!
Shoutout to Gert for being fair and understanding, and trying to create a better community; I sniped some map in voodoos while the guy was afk, and he complained in smegas for map stealing. Gert showed up at once and checked mapownership, and instead of telling him to go or get banned or whatever he simply explained the situation, the map ownership system and actually tried to understand why the guy was afk (said he’s been taking care of his daughter). Normally I’d just take the map since mapownership was mine by all rights, but by explaining and trying to talk to the other guy, Gert actually made me realize that maybe this guy is actually doing something important with his daughter and I just decided to cc instead of causing a scene. He could’ve just told the guy to get out, or threaten with 3 day ban, but instead he diffused the situation, and me and the other guy didn’t even hold any grudge to each other at the end.
@Sof and @Aerith were two very chill GM's would have to be my all time favorite GM's. As for the current GM's, I pretty much like all them. But as of right now, Mr.Gert is probably my favorite. I'm scrolling through this thread, and I've yet to see Mr.Tim "Oh wow, he has over 10,000 posts" But you can never remember any of them Can you remember a Mr.Tim post? But try Mr.Gert... you can see the ban hammer he drops. I remember a Mr.Gert post.
I'd like to thank @Gert for giving me tips and overall teaching me a lot about how the server works, before and after he became staff.
Thank you guys for the kind words, I'm glad I was able to leave a positive impression on most people that I've met in game. Knowing that legitimately fuels me to continue and move forward as staff. It's not said enough, but GM's do this because we enjoy and care about the community. If you guys yourselves (aside from the hackers and bad apples) weren't so great, I wouldn't be here. So thanks to all of our players for being really cool and keeping the server healthy and fun to play. I'd like to thank @Karven @Joong @Chokladkakan and @Evan for doing work behind the scenes and not getting the recognition that they deserve most of the time. Without them, Royals wouldn't be even half as good as it is right now, you guys are genuinely amazing and I wish I would have thanked you all individually instead of together like this.
Who hasn't GM Gert helped? He helped me with a megaphone issue back during the Christmas event. I was in Santa's Workshop and used a Smega twice, but I never saw it appear in the global chat log. Gert helped me figure out that you couldn't see your own Smegas when you use them in Santa's Workshop. Even gave me his own Smega to help figure out the issue! And he did all this to help me two days before he was even a GM!
I would like to thank my father Kaizoku aka @Tim aka #YouCantWhiteHim I thank him for his UNPAID efforts towards this server For all the hard work he puts in making this game much better to play and enjoy. To give alot of his free time to help the nooblets when he doesn't have to but he does anyway because of his kind heart<3 Also all the fatherly advice he has given me to become a stronker noob Love- from your least favorite and only son -Crested Love you dad, thanks for all the hardwork!
I would like to thank @Evan for doing an amazing job on the forums. You can argue that it is probably the least interesting role on the staff, but personally I enjoy the forums a lot and it's nice to see someone taking care of it. Was going to write something about @Tim but the comment above mine is fantastic and should get all the praise.
I would like to thank Becca before she become a GM, she already a very kind heart, and Shane for always give answer in fullest to support players (also when I was a noob about reporting owo) And some other cute GMs but i not yet have anything to need their help... If there is a thread for normal player, would like to thank Dave too for helping newbies in nice way owo