Right in the B Coin Regular 30 man runs are already organized by players from time to time. If you don’t like that there aren’t more you should try to recruit more too, just the other day I saw some smega recruits. I was online during that monsters attack event. People just complained that it was super laggy and Pink Bean just killed them through their HP (including bishops thru MG lol) and I heard like 12-14 people had enough Hp to live and kill pink bean in like 4 hours lol.
Zak in GMS was designed to be a 3rd job end game boss (he came a lot before 4th job and his avoid is quite low so even people at like lvl 100 can hit him). Naturally people had to bring a lot of parties since their damage was quite weak at 3rd job. Here the people are far stronger so it won't make sense to try organizing several parties (which will take a long time) to just beat a boss in like 5 minutes. If you want a challenging boss that actually needs 30 people you'd need pink bean
i never see 3 NL doing trio zakum. its always 1 SE . 1 range attacker and 1 melee just because 1 party decides to go 3 NL doesnt mean its not nostalgic. you cant judge nostalgic based on how many attackers killing zakum.. there will always be rich and poor everywhere i have to break it down for you: rich means strong they are able to kill zakum with less people poor means weak. they require more members to kill zakum together there are many rich players in original maple v62 doing trio zakum too
Obviously I want ALL NLS cmon now. Dang I should of put that on the smega... That made me laugh lmao. End of the day this a game, and everyone has different play styles, just because someone doesn’t play how you’d would play, it makes it unlawful?
? I want the game to be balanced. I want everyone to be able to play their favorite class without feeling bad/losing motivation. If you want to duo or whatever Zak with your washed nls friends and your mules why don't you play gms? Single player seems to be a thing there. Pre big bang maple was all about party play, not this garbage. If you want to duo or trio you can do it, just not with se mules or extra hp that you shouldn't be having in the first place.
Imagine calling me a narcissistic when I bet my ballz you ask for level and job everytime someone applys to your runs and you obviously prefer a washed nl with the better range over the others. You do care. I complain about how much the game is unbalanced, I actually care about every single main on this server and that's why I feel it's unfair to those who decide to not play nl. Everyone knows this is nlstory, even GMs know it so well that despite being a small one, they nerfed the class. It wouldn't be op with the need of party buffs. If you can just bring mules to your boss runs and at the same time being washed it's just crazy op. As I said before, don't call yourselves nostalgic because this is just like gms, since people cna easily solo or duo bosses with their own mules.
You clearly think the world revolves around you and that if anything that you envision about maple isn’t up to par, it’s unlawful. Please quote me where I called myself nostalgic? & everyone’s view of nostalgic maple is definitely different that yours lol Thanks for the good laughs, you’re a funny one
I must be really delusional, I'm sorry if I don't recall nls having lots of hp and doing bosses with their own SE mules Back in the day we all saw those kinda of smegas asking for zak duos and trios and saying all the mules were ready , without a doubt. Such a confused monkey I am
yeah mapleroyals has the goldy system which is prob why players are much stronger on this server then in gms which makes duo and trio too easy. and getting prob 2x more exp then a 6 ppl party
How a Post about 30 man zak run event turns into an arguement about nostagic, HP wash and Boss/NL/Mule story lol. Please stay on topic