Hey! It's Aria or Glory depending on how you knew me or even Lacy. I played back in 2016 and was a part of Oblivion. I left after a bunch of things went wrong with my mental health/personal life. I had alot happen but I am back. I was looking for my old friends if anyone still played... If not, that's fine! I would love new friends. 1ARIA1 is my main 151 lvl NL. Feel free to message me! <3
Hi there! I just joined here in 2016 so I probably didn't know you then, but welcome back! A lot has changed since then, but we are always working on improving the game and welcome feed back on changes and updates. Feel free to shoot me a buddy request if you'd like, I mainly play on my Hero, MrMuff.
STANIEL!!! <3 XD Hellooooo! I didn't know if you still played!! I am so happy to see you! IF you still actively play you should add me! I will probably be on all weekend since it is my off weekend! <3