Just two days ago I posted my 'hello' thread, and here is my farewell... So much has happened in so little time~ I would just like to briefly say that the staff on this server are beautiful, and most of the players are friendly and immature. Most. Thnks fr th mmrs Shout-outs to: IGN Ornithine: Thanks for getting me hooked on nostalgia during finals season. It was totally worth it. Miss u IGN Molested: See 'Ornithine'. IGN Basquiat: It was dope getting to know you and grind it up hard for the next few dayz yo. IGN Elspeth: Change your hair back to the gold curls please...see you at school. IGN Baas: You better get to level 120 tomorrow. IGN Stokbrood: You better out level your brother, Baas. IGN Gochiso: One day you will join Friends. IGN Devious: It was nice KPQing with ya. IGN illuminate: lower ur prices dude.. And to the forum users who welcomed me on my thread... Mangu: Thanks for the welcome, it means a lot. Gossamer: Thanks to you too, hope you got something tonight, lol. skumfux: Smell my hair Katsuruka: I've read some of your posts and I have a lot of respect for you. Tyronethesavior: Thanks for the welcome bud. Afee: Cheers mate! Have a great summer lol
Dont think I ever had the chance to meet you, but I didnt know someone from here lived so close to me
Aww it was great knowing you. Even though your stay here was a short one I hope you had enjoyed it. Good luck with what ever you are going to pursue.
I've never really seen anyone comment on the immaturity before. Unless you had meant to say mature. I'm not sure. Nevertheless, thanks for playing!
Wowwie, I got a shout out and I didn't even meet you. I hope you did/will do well on your finals and had a great nostalgic trip! p.s. I wanted to talk to you after the intros but I was hesitant to approach a stranger trolololol.