Spoiler: READ ME Please Notice! I will continually update this thread as often as possible. For information about recent updates, please refer to the post found immediately below this post. All criticism is very welcome! If I have made any mistakes, or if you have any ideas about optimizing the thread, please feel free to comment Foreword and Introduction Hi and welcome to my bazaar. I very recently joined MapleRoyals, after not having played MapleStory since I was a kid. That was in GMS, roughly 15 years ago. As a newcomer I've come to find out that there are many different systems and mechanics to learn. One of which is trading. In my experience, most FM chat and FM stores are heavily focused on expensive meta-items - and the only information and references publically available is Tiff's and Shay's spreadsheets. Although a HUGE help, it obviously will never cover every item in the game. With this in mind, I wanted to set up a shop that should be easily navigated and containing a huge range of items and equipment. This may, or may not, be what people want or need. Time will tell, I guess. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- »Select a category below to extend its content Spoiler: Stimulators & Forging Manuals ItemAmount 2 7 2 2 1 8 1 1 4 3 1 Spoiler: Scrolls Spoiler: Dagger ItemAmount 6 Spoiler: Claw ItemAmount https://i.imgur.com/kMDeMHI.png [/td][td]4[/td][/tr] [tr][td][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/QdGwEPG.png [/td][td]3[/td][/tr] [/table] [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Knuckler] [table=align=center] [tr][th]Item[/th][th]Amount[/th][/tr] [tr][td][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/VKpua9y.png 3 6 Spoiler: Bow ItemAmount 14 1 Spoiler: Gun ItemAmount 1 Spoiler: Staff ItemAmount 7 Spoiler: Wand ItemAmount 2 Spoiler: Spear ItemAmount 1 2 Spoiler: Two-handed Sword ItemAmount 2 Spoiler: Eye Accessory ItemAmount 1 2 Spoiler: Shoes ItemAmount 2 3 1 4 Spoiler: Gloves ItemAmount 4 Spoiler: Cape ItemAmount 1 10 2 2 1 1 Spoiler: Overall Armor ItemAmount 1 1 Spoiler: Pet ItemAmount 8 Spoiler: Weapons Spoiler: All Classes Spoiler: Surf- & Snowboards Item Item Spoiler: Warrior Spoiler: Magician Spoiler: Thief Spoiler: Pirate Spoiler: Equipment Spoiler: All Classes Spoiler: Earrings Spoiler: Gloves Spoiler: Shields Spoiler: Capes Spoiler: Overall Spoiler: Hat Spoiler: Magician Spoiler: Thief Spoiler: Pirate Spoiler: Usable Items ItemAmount 51 58 181 26 Spoiler: Etc. Items ItemAmount 340 5 90