I would support it, but I'm usually on the side of letting people play the game they want to play it (with or without mules). Maybe an alternative solution could be: allow mules, but give an additional EXP (and/or drop?) bonus for each additional unique player present? Encourages playing with others, and doesn't affect those who use mules.
I don't think there is really a problem with different classes getting accepted into parties. Many of the shit classes have been made much better since moving on to New Source and starting to balance classes. You see people R> SE or SI all the time as well as experienced BS' for HT. Just because people have them in smega as SE or SI doesn't mean they can be a mule. Those just take way less space in a smega with limited characters. Juggling parties with multiple buff mules is annoying and BM/MM/Bucc all do good damage anyways. The people who are recruiting for runs with "PM mules" are seen far less in my opinion and those are the people that have been playing a long time. The same people will just be asking for range anyways.
the dream on multi clienting juggling attackers for a "solo" run one button play in just one client for boss runs is too boring imho multi client stonks gameplay is more fun
Literally the core of Maplestory is that it's a MMORPG, meaning you play together with other people to reach objectives. The whole idea of creating mules goes againts the very essence of what a MMORPG is.
Just gonna put it out there, depending on this potential limit of clients, I might just quit bossing as a whole
I'd like a single person to point out an instance where they couldn't join a party because of mules. The tone of the opposition is that mules are turning the game into SoloStory and support classes don't even get to boss, which is wildly untrue. I am a 181 Buccaneer (ie. not a NL) with 3 mules (SE/HS/Crash) and never once have I told a main SE or Paladin I wouldn't boss with them, nor have I ever been denied a boss run myself because they had an SI mule or something. I (and most people muling I'd imagine) PREFER other players so we're not lugging around 3 characters and juggling 3 clients at a boss run. Its literally just a convenience thing. A vast majority of us are adults in school or working or even both, and this game requires a LOT of time investment, any increase in efficiency is welcome to allow more progress to be made in a timely fashion. If I work an 8 hour day, come home and shower/eat, hop on to do HT (which already takes an hour on a good day, God forbid something goes wrong) now I have to recruit a squad, and that squad has to cover EVERY base, and it will take much longer to form the run. This will not help noobs, it will hurt them. You can get by a range check with useful mules. You can afford a Zhelm off mesos you pick up off the ground by 50. You can easily afford a HTP by 120 from doing any sort of light moneymaking activity. If mules are banned, boss runs will 100% increase in price from both requiring more players and investment to even go. If you've made it to endgame and grinded up however many mules, or are using old mains, you deserve whatever advantage that affords you because you put in more work. Its available to everyone. If you think its unfair people with mules have advantages, go make your own, or find other like minded individuals to play with. Do not step on my toes because you haven't put in the time to be able to do trio Zak or quad HT with mules.
i would like someone to do this too. havent had any trouble getting into zak runs as a bm for the past 2 months just because they have a se mule, just a few rejections cos they alr hv 1 in the pt/alr full. this includes a couple of trio atker runs where the bish was a seperate fella who whited some of the arms
I'm speaking as someone who has about 14 accounts, which are a CPQ1 perma squad, a CPQ2 Perma squad, HS, SE, SI, FPmage, DrK, & 3 crash mules. I'm not making these accounts for player replacement, I'm making them for three reasons: Self leech (CPQ 1, CPQ 2, and FP mage to 130) this also includes friends to help them skip the bull of the tutorial levels. No reliance on other player availability. I have literally had parties die because cry baby NL's didn't get SE, even to mock me "for not knowing how to make a party". This is disregarding I smega'ed 3 times over the course of half an hour for an SE. Maplestory may have aged but most of the player base's maturity hasn't, although I no longer deal with pugs anymore. I'll have these characters to fill party slots that are not available, and without needing to spend 10m+ on smegas. They are a filler, not a replacement as I would approve more of a Bowmaster, buccaneer, or paladin for their DPS contribution. Cost effectiveness. Seriously having a constant 3 crash rotation on things like HT, Zakum, is a godsend and will save you literal 2 apples+ a run. If I have a paladin available I'm obviously going to take them for the extra dps. I would argue having access to mules makes guild bossing more viable as you aren't struggling to find a party. PUG's are such a high risk low reward because the maplestory loot system was made by someone with the foresight of a fly who only lives for a day.
is this expected to be moderated? what if you're the only attacker? what if your partner or party doesn't mind? what if someone isn't attacking and wants to contribute multiple mules for payment/loot? i think it's a noble idea to have your lowly geared 14x marksman friend not get left out in favor of a bloodwashed 129 bowmaster, but i can't imagine the logistics of this working being smooth at all.
I vote no cuz I can't wait to bring my 7 shadowers... I mean smoke screen mules in for solo zak runs. Now, I just need to get started on the first two...
I am an archer main playing both Bowmaster and Marksman in PQs and boss runs. Never have I been denied into a Zak/Krex/HT/Shao/CWK/Toad/APQ etc. because the runners have SE mules. In fact, usually I get whispered from two to three different parties whenever I smega J> (Boss Run) SE. Multi-clienting is a hassle in most runs (especially HT and Auf). It is done as a last resort. Let's face it, sometimes it is just so hard to find a [CLASS] needed for a boss or support of other players (SEs for NLs for example, or HB for unwashed characters). Instead of wasting time (for 2-5 players) waiting for the right player to show up, bridge that gap with a mule and get going! The mule situation is a necessity for those of us who do not have a lot of free time on our hands each day to play the game. Having a hs mule means that a lot of us can shao daily. Having a crash mule means that boss runs are just shorter in length. You get my point. Of course, you can do all that with another player's main too, the trick is finding one at the right time when you want to boss/PQ.