IGN: oR11 Name: Or Timezone: GMT +3 Tell us about yourself!: You better figure out Give us a random shark fact: More people dying of falling coconut to their heads
IGN: Apple2015 Timezone: CST Tell us about yourself!: I've been an on and off mapler since Bellocan was a new server (represent!) Just started playing on this server a couple days ago. Give us a random shark fact: A shark stole muh picnic basket! ....or maybe that was a bear disguised as a shark disguised as a pb&j sandwich. Either way, when I bit into it, it bit back.
Sharks are notorious sandwich thieves Yes there are! We have a few Aussies in shark too! Both of you can msg me in game (Myoni) to get yourselves added! Cya soon.
IGN: rimV2 Name: Jack Timezone: GMT +2 Sweden Tell us about yourself!: Old GMS player, just found this server and the nostalgia is utterly welcomed. Give us a random shark fact: Sharks attacks more men than women. Therefore i created a female character in game. :3
IGN: Beli (BeLi) Name: Ugo Timezone: GMT+2 Tell us about yourself!: Old Royals player, back to active sadly due to covid but its got me going again. I used to run a guild named Tempest but most of all them quit. Looking for a guild that does GPQ since I love that quest and hopefully boss a lot. Give us a random shark fact: Fish are friend, not food.
IGN: Kaworu17 Name: Taka Timezone: EST Tell us about yourself: I'm new to this server and was looking for friends. I'm extremely active and looking to grow with a good community Give us a random shark fact: Different shark species reproduce in different ways
IGN: Toluene Name: Asa Timezone: GMT +3 Tell us about yourself: I study chemistry and materials science in university. The IGN is actually an organic solvent which is specifically used for- I'll stop now Give us a random shark fact: Unlike any other shark, the Epaulette has the uncanny ability to walk. It uses its fins as prototype legs to crawl over the exposed reef between rock pools that contain its prey. It often prefers to walk even when the water is deep enough to swim freely. It's also really gosh darn cute: Spoiler
IGN: Merco Name: Merco Timezone: EST Tell us about yourself!: Long time normal mapler and oldschool runescaper, wanted to try oldschool maple and need friends Give us a random shark fact: Sharks can jump up to 13 feet in the air! (Don't fact check me)
IGN: Sista Name: Sebastian Timezone: EST Tell us about yourself!: hello! I'm Sebastian. 25 years young D: Recently moved back to the east coast from the west coast due to losing my job to the virus. Decided to give maplestory a try once again and I caught myself feeling a little lonely haha. I studied accounting in school and worked as a makeup artist for EL. I moved back to my parents house so I feel a lot more zen and calm now that I don't stress about bills anymore. Lol. I do listen to a lot of different music and I do consider myself to have a very artistic side ^^. I hope I get to meet all of you Give us a random shark fact: There was 21 unprovoked shark attacks in Florida last year
IGN: Aliysium Name: Alicia or Ali Timezone: US Central (currently GMT -5) Tell us about yourself!: I'm a returning Royals player...was a GM back before the reset a long long LONG time ago. Been feeling nostalgic about Maple recently and decided to level a new character since I need a way to fund my star-throwing obsession. I'm working on a future Bishop right now and hoping to find an active guild to hang with. This character will be where I spend all or most of my time for the foreseeable future. Give us a random shark fact: Great White shark DNA can adapt to heal itself.