Hello everyone! I haven't played royals in FOREVER but looking to comeback if the community is still great like how I remembered.
The community and game are both much different. Many of my friends before don't really log in anymore. Some of the staff are the same, but the only ones I remember are the devs and admins.
I'm also a returning player, played back in 2014-2016. Used to be in the Tempest guild, although it was a bit smaller than the other ones Just remembered I was also in a guild called Wings... jeez, that was probably my first guild in this server. Wonder if anyone else was there :0
I feel you. Kinda funny to see a lot of veterans in this thread lol. Used to play a lot a couple of years ago then suddenly stopped. Now because of the quarantine I find myself playing again
haha same!! I quit back in 2016ish? 2017 maybe? I gave away all my equips and thought I would never play again. Then, everything changed when coronavirus attacked...
I was active during the end of 2013 - early 2014. I played briefly in 2015 as well. I was in Lubs! I miss my old gang
Dang!! I remember a dude named Rob or something like that too. Pretty sure he became a GM at one point. I'm surprised I remember that
Yes, his character name was Robb! I found a bunch of us on an old archive of the rankings, memories man. hahha.