Finally every single quest completed. The remaining are just party quests, two bugged event quests that refuse to go away and killing PB quest that cant be done yet ^^
I wouldn't have gotten a single card without @Tomfoolery >.<" Spoiler: fast Spoiler: Very nice assist @whiteins @CWCW @zMel @Kentavious @weiwei0310 @Selma @jeff8434
yOu gUyS. i did it. On Feb 1st 2016, I set out to marry my beautiful Life and my beautiful Death. Shortly after that, in-game marriages broke. Then girl-girl marriages took a while to be a thing. Then I was inactive for ages. And then on May 26th 2020, Life finally married Death. I couldn't be happier.
I don't want to see another monster card again... Spoiler: honorable mentions probably wouldn't have gotten the medal without you guys @Tomfoolery ty for the guidance mr. complete monster book pro @yaqzan for keeping me sane while I hunt cards @Abdus for the guidance, op 2x legendary collector @misericorde & @Doram for helping me through clock tower @Dupreeh & @lichtweltt for help @ samurai and anego @weiwei0310 ty for last dark yeti and pepe card @Ras ez electrophant
Interesting, TIL you can't use Legendary Spirit while sitting down. In other news - yolo scrolled an Ele Staff 5, turned out pretty well (didn't boom, at least). I'm still stuck between selling it or making luk mage for the memes.
Decided to cs some scg, Spent 6B gotten a 9/4 ws+ cs failed ws+cs agn 4/3 Rage scroll more glove to 10/4 N decided to cs agn as i always wanted to cs a 10/4 Ws + cs to 14/3 n the magic def is 1 higher den my old gloves Its gonna be purple soon! Mini hypes for purple equips!!
Solo Dunas v1 run, sorta. Had a couple pt members. Including my friend Rinn. But, damage reflection is a bitch and after 20% done or so, I was on my own, determined to kill the bastard myself. I did just that. Im crazy
Late post because @Don took all the scrolling videos but would never send it to me. Shoutout to the HOMIES, Fendi, Oblivion, pally brothers/sisters who have supported me in scrolling my first perfect item. Thank you guys for the generous loans and encouragement throughout this process. It was hard to part with this beastly, beautiful, precious weapon but it was in the wrong hands. I was never the warrior just like how I was never the doctor my parents wanted me to be. I am a shit NL player at heart. Or maybe my dream is to become the ultimate pirate king. Not sure. B>Clean 60 DPS or 88 Revolver. Stay tuned... RIP Clay Thompson. Short-lived but never forgotten. Spoiler: Excuses...
Spoiler finally completed #8 and the job medal set after getting hard-carried for this char thank you so much to Wiggle - you guys literally dragged me across this finish line
Everyone know how shitty my luck is from getting 0 apples in apq 4run to never get cs&ws from gachapon to losing my FM spot because I accidentally press APR But today I won RR and above all, IT'S MY DREAM WEAPON that I aim to get when I have enough mesos instead of fixing my gear & washing my char Thank you aether & wiggle support when I'm on standby to esc quit game becaUSE IM READY TO OFFLINE ONCE IM OUT Thank you gm josh for hosting RR I finally can focus wash my hp, int out instead of day day bugging sean ice flower ice flower ice flower