Hello, I've recently started this server with my wife and we are really quite enjoying it. I just had a few questions regarding the terms of use, I've recently come to light that the server is quite strict about certain rules, so we've read them very carefully and are doing our best to make sure to follow them as best we can. That being said, there's a few gray areas that I would like to ask about. Regarding account sharing, my wife and I live in the same home, and we have multiple MacBook laptops, and one gaming PC. We normally try to use that gaming PC for games as it's most optimized to run PC games, but we also have bootcamp on my MacBook. One thing we learned is that you can run multiple clients on a single computer, which has been really useful in letting both of us play on a single computer. That being said, there are instances where I would be buying leech, and since my wife is a lower level, she would be either training or PQing, but I would have to come on for a minute to reset my leech, or make quick trades, and sometimes if her PQ ends I would like to be able to close out the PQ and perhaps even just start the next one for her as not to waste time while I'm sitting on the computer. (All while she's waiting for me to finish my trade or finish up my leech or check my store.) Would something like this be considered a bannable offence for account sharing? We have separate login details, but being husband and wife, I must admit although she created her account all on her own, I would probably be able to figure those details out just from knowing her. We do not share accounts at all, but it seems like certain things like this, running leech on my character and her playing on her account could possibly lead to things getting mixed up or end up in us making a mistake unknowingly. We've recently applied for the voting whitelist which has been answered by GMGert, but we had to resend our application because we didn't have the date on our photo (our mistake XD) but hopefully when that goes through we can vote together. But since we both play together, these are some questions I'd like answered to avoid making any mistakes. If anyone has any insight or answers or experience with this issue please let me know. Thanks!
Also, to clarify, as of now, just to be safe I have been using my laptop to log on to my character, and my wife has been using the gaming PC, but unfortunately my MacBook can't always be running bootcamp so if we could get any clarification it would greatly appreciated.
be careful with your words because if someday u need to clarify things to GMs as you did, you could be banned permanently
Yes the above scenario would be perma-bannable, cause it is account sharing to use someone's account, or perform actions on behalf Having 2 accounts belonging to different people logged in at the same time + PC is account sharing too
Thanks this is helpful, it makes things more clear. This is not something that's actually clear in the terms of service so I wanted to ask about this. Just to show we are playing on two computers I'll upload a quick shot of us playing now But it just never mentions that one person can be leeching while the other is playing their account on the same PC.
i know im not Staff member but as far as i can tell. the entire point of account sharing is the idea of fair gamplay for all. which means, everyone get to have same level of play field. this mean *no big or small advantages* "I would like to be able to close out the PQ and perhaps even just start the next one for her as not to waste time while I'm sitting on the computer." even tho its samll its still you doing action in her account which is the defenision of advantages account sharing. this will be bannable on typical scenario. i suggest you don't lay finger on anything in her account. yes not even start a pq for her because you guys have logistic issues (1 good pc). so again, find another way around it and don't touch anything in her account or character. best of luck to you two :3
Thanks for your answer! Just to clarify however, in the case of myself then being on the PC to start my account and set up my leech let's say for 2-3 hours, and chill and watch TV while she plays on the same PC without touching my account at all, would this be considered a bannable offence?
well as you said, as long she dont lay finger on your account while its on the background. there should be no issue. while you get the leech passive becuase you set your deal with the leecher, i dont see why the fact she play on her account while you afk on a rope should even matter. im 99.99% sure there is no issue here as long as you guys careful and follow that rule. wait for staff member to give you that 0.01% i can't guarantee
Just to be clear, that isn't allowed 2 accounts belonging to different person should not be logged in at the same time on the PC - regardless of the afk status
However, according to the terms of service, this doesn't seem to be mentioned at all. Is there any staff member that could clarify this issue? If not I don't mind playing on separate PCs it's not a huge deal, just a little bit more inconvenient that's all.
technically NO breach of rules if she mind her own account while he afk in background. (technically!) Admins/system will see 2 different accounts log in at the same time in the same MAC address (and LAN) which will lead to BAN since they cant tell or don't know what was done during that time. but i still can't find it in the rule that its not allowed to share same pc while the other is ark getting leeches by someone else. (again, i cant see the issue. and im no one really ). again, im not sure their full methods in which they detect and decide who is account share. all i can do is guess how they do it. i myself cant see issue as long as they dont touch eachothers accounts. but stuff member might disagree, so this why i told him to wait for a 100% guarantee answer.
Please play from different devices, what Dave has said is correct, if you have two clients open on the same computer at the same time, we may flag it as account sharing because there is no way for us to tell who is playing on what character. I'd like for you both to not play on the same computer (at the same time) anymore to avoid any problems. You can both play with eachother at the same time of course, just not on the same computer, please limit it to one person at a time in those situations.
Thanks Gert! That clears things up. We will be sure to not have two clients running on a single computer moving forward. Perhaps this is something that can be added as an addendum to the term and rules thread! Anyway thanks again for providing a great gameplay experience my wife and I are enjoying it quite a lot.
Well this guy didnt have a second chance because he didnt do anything wrong.. he actually ask the question before breaking a rule whereas you broke a rule.. and want a second chance when in the entire history of mapleroyals, has never given any single person a second chance
Hey, please don't discuss your ban here anymore, this isn't the place. Also, you literally leveled someone else's account to the 50s, don't compare yourself to what happened in this situation. Thread locked as the original questions were answered.