Hi this was recently given to me from a friend, ive done a few p/c’s and most people have said anywhere between 3 and 4 bil. S/B is 3b. C/O is 3b. (By: @Geyforlife) A/W is 4b The cutoff is 11:59:59 P.M. (EST. USA) on June 11th, 2020. Accepting Bil coins. (Or maybe a chair(s) if we can both agree on the price) the Ring of Alchemist has 2 STR 6 DEX 2 INT 0 SLOTS {sorry the photo is sideways and bad quality i tried really hard to fix both} ——————————————————————————— Im also selling another RoA, this one is 2 STR 4 DEX 4 INT 0 SLOTS But i have not done a single price check. If you know the p/c of this ring please put it in comments {sorry the photo is sideways and bad quality i tried really hard to fix both} if you have any questions or would like to offer, comment below, or whisper or contact my character (JuLesFL) Ill get back to you as soon as i can! i have the right to refuse any offers =) ——————————————————————————