Hi I've always loved some of the armor/weapon options available for classes, but with the prevalence of popular builds like lukless for example you don't get a chance to wear any of it! Even if you were to make a standard luk wizard maybe there's lower level items you want to complete your lewk Don't know if these cosmetic versions would cost mesos or NX, but does anyone else even like class equips enough to want something like this?
Evan has posted it before on this thread, and I think saw one possible abuse of it is players might be pulling off-trade scams. So make the NX items untradeable like store permits and pets.
Actually mocked something up similar to this... I have a lot of ideas and this one is SUPER time consuming cause I'm bad at editing stuff but I think it's pretty neat.
I think making them untradeable would be fair. When making this thread I was also thinking about the overall large amount of class equips. For armor color variants listing them all might make things too clogged, and trying to decide which colors are the most popular might get a lil controversial Maybe having them in sets would be an option. So, buying 1 Guilitan would just give you all 5 colors.
Something like World of Warcraft's transmogrification. I think I have commented this several times as feedback, it would be amazing to have. Some sets just look too good for them to not be available to use.
The Staff could possibly be able to exploit this. Make cosmetic version of items like Silver Pilfer and have it available in-game as part of GM event award, RP item, or even a custom gachapon reward akin to Chair gacha.
Cosmetic / NX versions of certain equips would be a really neat idea. I like to dress up my characters cute and pretty, but I also like them to look like their respective classes. This leaves me with limited options in the Cash Shop. There are a few cool swords and wands and stuff, but I don’t want to be a paladin dressed in pajamas while whacking monsters with a rubber chicken (props to anyone who likes to express themself this way, it’s just not my style). There’s some really neat looking equips for all the classes, but unfortunately the high level ones are all kind of generic and uninteresting (all the 110 dragon weapons have the same theme and color scheme for example). I’d love to see the option to have a little more individuality through cosmetic versions or f lower level equips. Anvils can’t be implemented in this version, but it would be the closest thing.
Everybody wants this. I would love this. I love the look of so many classic armors and weapons in maple. Just make a special classic NX cover: top/helmet/bottom/weapon that lets you choose one time your choice of class specific armor
when you think of it, you might be able to use image processing toolbox in Matlab to change a color in an image relatively easily. i think i might be able to automate it, I've done something similar with a picture of a cat lol (using HSV instead of RGB, and changing the Hue into the desired color)