Spoiler: How to change IGN (in-game name)? 1) Have 20 RP in the account of the character name you wish to change FAQ: But why can't I purchase this coupon to change my name? ANS: This item in Cash Shop is a placeholder, not usable yet 2) Make a thread here - https://royals.ms/forum/forums/name-change-requests.112/create-thread 3) Enter the thread title and content accordingly Spoiler: Format Title: Change of IGN Current IGN: Desired IGN: 1) 2) 3) I understand this request will deduct 20 RP from my account Example of how it looks like FAQ: But why do I have to indicate 3 names instead of just 1? ANS: Cause the name you want might be taken (might need to wait till next server check if the name is taken) Note: you may ignore this part if you have reserved the character name with a mule Recommended to leave a memo about the reserved IGN Spoiler: Memo Note: Both characters are in the same account, I'm okay with name swap if possible. Else you can just give the level 1 character gibberish name Spoiler: Steps to check if desired IGN is taken Create new character and enter the desired IGN If name is taken Spoiler: How to change forum username? Q: Who can request a forum name change? A: Players who have purchased RP at any point in time have the option to receive a one time forum name change for free, or in the case that your forum name falls under our Privacy Policy, if it contains your real name, or is the same as your accounts login ID, we will change it outside of the normal rules for forum name changes. Source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/making-a-thread-in-donations-donator-npc.116784/ Make a thread here - https://royals.ms/forum/forums/general-rp-issues-queries.108/create-thread And provide the reason if necessary Spoiler: How to request for Forum Donor Tag 1) Have donated to MapleRoyals via this link before https://royals.ms/?page=royalpoints 2) Make a thread here - https://royals.ms/forum/forums/donor-tag-requests.113/create-thread 3) Enter the thread title and content accordingly Title: Request - Forum Donor Tag IGN: (any character name of the donated account) PayPal/Stripe Transaction ID: (optional, but will help to speed things up) Spoiler: Example of how it looks like Title: Request - Forum Donor Tag IGN (in-game name): XXX PayPal/Stripe Transaction ID: 3FM1322120527610B Feel free to leave comments on how I can improve, or if I missed something out Source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/read-this-first-making-a-thread-in-donations-donator-npc.116784/
Ive created a thread for ign change. but what if i dont want to change anymore, is there anyway to cancel? thanks
Hello! I was reading your guide on how to change IGNs and it was stated that: "Note: you may ignore this part if you have reserved the character name with a mule" I would like to seek clarification regarding that point. For example, I had a character with an IGN called "MapleCat" and I would like to change my IGN to "MapleBeast". Could I create a mule to "hold" the IGN "MapleBeast"? If so, what happens to the IGN of the mule that had "MapleBeast" after the name/IGN change of "MapleCat" was done? Main IGN: Maple Cat > MapleBeast Mule IGN: MapleBeast > ??? I hope my question wasn't too confusing, thank you!
For me, I left a memo for them if I am holding the character IGN in the same account They swapped my character names later on Example Note: Both characters are in the same account, I'm okay with name swap if possible. Else you can just give the level 1 character gibberish name
I'm trying to get into my old royal's account. My old character's name is Imawitch. i don't know what email ive used for it, or i might have deleted it. i found my old post from 2017 today
Hey, if you change your name what happens to your friendlist? Does it just rename you in all there lists or do you have to re-add? and what about people you've unfriended? does it also change in there list even tho you don't want them to know
Should be possible, but the Admin may need some time to double confirm if the account information seems different
Is it possible to have the RP funds taken out of a different account for a IGN change? For example, Account#1 has 20 RP, and Account#2 has 0 RP but contains the character that I want the name change for, so the RP funds are taken out of Account#1?
Will it charge double, if I have a Mule holding the name that I wanted to change to my Main in same account? Example: Main: Name123 > Name456 - 20RP Mule holding Name456 > any name - another 20RP Total deduct 40RP? Or it only charge 20RP?
Only deduct 20 RP Do leave a memo about your mule in the same account is holding the IGN Example: "holding IGN of Name456 on my mule, you can change it to any IGN"
My request is open since a week now ... will someone reply on it ? Or is the namechange just going to happen next server check