Available Chairs from left to right: Green Chair, Red Chair, Yellow Relaxer, Red Relaxer, Pink seal Cushion C/O 80m, Blue Seal Cushion 95m, Red Round Chair C/O 12M, Black Seal Cushion C/O 10m, Gold Seal Cushion C/O SOLD, Palm Tree Chair, Lord Pirate C/O 25m, The Stirge Seat, Halloween Broomstick Chair SOLD, Christmas Gift Box, Cherry Blossoms Chair C/O 550M. Poor Ribbon Pig Chair C/O 75m, Half-Heart Chocolate Cake Chair. Leave your offer and IGN here or pm me.
I honestly am new here and did not know about market price But if you want me to offer, I will say 5m each ? If its wrong, do correct me.