I started adding my fresh AP into mana after lvl 138-> 139. I did not reset the AP to add it back into INT as i thought I could do it all at once. So am i still able to add back my int or is my character screwed? I am level 141 at the moment.
I think you should reset those points added into mp back to int becasue these "extra INT" gives you more mp per next wash.
Then u have to bare with low INT and sp reset very frequently. Only viable when u can 1hit skele. He is lv13x, by doing so will make his bishop useless to 1hit stuff.
No you are not fucked. In matter of fact, the new washing method involves putting tons of points into MP, reset MaxMP from 1st job to 0, then take out the MP to either HP or INT. This yields a higher gain than the old method, HOWEVER the difference is only visible when HP washing. The difference is pretty small for MP washing . Forgetting to wash for 2 levels means you only lost 1 MP per wash. So around 10. That wont matter in the long run no worries.
Thanks for all the help. Just an update. I am level 146 now and i did reset some of my mana back into int to 1 hit ulu 2. However, I will probably wait till I can 1 hit skeles before i reset my mana into int and 0 sp. I am thinking at that time i will probably spend mesos on hp washing too. I just had a few other questions. Is there a way to tell how much base int I should have as I keep forgetting how many fresh ap i have added to mana. Also any tips on budgeting to 1 hit skeles my current equips are: 176 tma ele wand 25 tma earrings 28 tma robe 8 tma shoe 17 tma glove 9 int mask 16 tma cape 6 int maple leaf 32 int zak helm 2 int krex ring 21 int horntail pendant 27 tma esther shield I am looking to upgrade my ele wand , earrings and gloves. I am not sure how much i should budget for each. What you all think?