We are trying to figure out and implement a solution to make it more fair. Currently the best option we have is to try and distribute ranged characters evenly amongst the teams, and we are working on that for the next Server Check, we just need a little bit of time to work on implementing it into the already fairly complex matchmaking system.
Will this also account for melee classes that can simply wear ranged weapons? (Shadower with a claw, Bucc with a gun)
I know this is mentioned somewhere above, but if a time limited all class claw from ice box, those that are similar to christmas mittens that is only available until the end of anniversary event could probably make things much more even without reworking too much on the PQ.
I don't see how it makes it fair for everyone, since they still need to get the ice box and the item. I also think everyone being ranged would be a less fun and less strategic. I still think the idea of matchmaking and distributing ranged characters would be better.
How does the snowman in the Christmas event work then? You are allowed to go in only with the mitten. Couldn't something similar be done here?
Yes, and I already explained a bit about that in previous posts, but the matchmaking system change should fix the issue.
The equipped weapon should apply to all classes. I just had a nightlord entering with a freaking dagger, no way we gonna win that