what kind of matt potion is better for matt? the best cost and practical something like SpellBound Lolipop
I use Wizard Elixir from NLC, it gives extra 20 magic attack, last for 8 mins and it cost 5k mesos. But it overwrites medication skill. If you have more mesos., you can try ssiws cheese, it last for 2 mins and but it cost like 2m the last time I saw it on the free market.
tbh I would only use a matt pot on your mage if it helps you reduce the hits you need to kill a monster reliably, e.g. if there is for istance only 20 tma left to one shot skele or any other mob that you might want to one shot. From this perspective the best cost/matt ratio would be the cheapest pot that allows you to achieve your goal. If you go for bossing on your mage, doing cwpq and farming swiss cheese would be the ultimate yet most time consuming way.
I used gizer usually in stuff like HT cause I got a lot of them from all the shaolin runs, though often I used to no atk pot at all if I could 1 hit without it
Spellbound Lollipops are what you are looking for. They are hard to find and go about 2-5M per potion