S>15att green mittens ~~sold s/b 1.5b a/w 1.6b S>45 (36dex+9str) blue arzuna ov s/b 1.1b a/w 1.2b S>44 (34dex+10str) blue arzuna ov s/b 1b a/w 1.1b S> 87att 9dex maple pyrope shooter s/b 700m a/w 750m S>86att 9dex maple pyrope shooter s/b 650m a/w 700m S>104att 15luk maple pyrope halfmoon s/b 550m a/w 600m S>103att 15luk maple asura dagger s/b 450m a/w 500m all items will be sold 24h after s/b. i have the right not to sell the items at any time. you can also pm me in game ign: cutiemama