I am zofran. I didnt know it at first but after reading up on the history of this individual ive determined the only logical answer is that i am he. Somehow despite the fact i live in new york i live in Israel. I hear its hot there. I dislike the heat not sure why id live there. As for why i pretended to be someone not zofran i do not know. It seems fun to speak in exactly the same manner time and time again posting the same narcissistic shit over and over before dropping the ultimate truth bomb on the fools who ive fooled that i am infact zofran . Did you even realize that everytime i make anew forum account i use a picture that has a maple leaf. I bet you didnt know that you idiots. I am the ultimate fooler of foolers there is nobody bettef at it than me. Till we meet again on another acc where im not zofran g'day
Wow. So we finally found him. Now everyone will stop annoying me, with words like "hi zofran" or "wb zofran"?
Oh! This is so Enticing. I can confirm this is Zofran just by the way he talks and writes posts on the forums. So, since we all can 100% agree and confirm this is Zofran, you can stop contacting me or bothering me about the whole Zofran issue. Right? I mean, we found him. Its all over now. I can play on this server without any more suspicion.
Well, its honestly not accurate what you're saying. If the real Zofran, which isnt me, would have been playing on this server. Wouldnt you agree he would try to hide the fact he's Zofran, since he already knows if he is caught, he will be banned and cant play on this server anymore? Assuming he is on MapleRoyals just to play the game, not to cause problems or trouble generally. So, assuming that's the most likely option for him, he wouldn't even create an introduction thread like I did, he wouldnt start a forum account unless he really cant login to the game and must create to be able to post a thread in Support subforum. He also wouldnt make much friends, and remain silent as much as he can. All these things and more, I didnt do. I also have never implied to say I am him but trying to hide that fact, and if I was him I wouldnt even be posting on the forums that much like Ive been doing. I just noticed the community is interesting and have met a few Israeli friends, so I decided to be active on the forums. In other words, if you're looking for signs or hints so you can prove to Staff that I am Zofran, you can clearly see there are no signs or hints of that. Also, if I was him I wouldnt personally come back to play on a server I was banned on. The only exception is, the fact MapleRoyals is the biggest private server and most populated, which encourages banned players to return and play and ban evade without being caught. Which, I believe, is a very common and frequent occurrennce. I'm pretty sure there are many players on MapleRoyals who are permanently banned and are currently playing and no one knows they were banned and are ban evading. Like I stated before, its quite easy and simple. Use a different computer, with different IP and MAC addresses. Also, make sure not to talk about who you were before or what names you used in the past, and avoid participating on the forums except if its necessary. And generally, remain silent and make sure not to attract much attention from anyone else. All these things are quite easy to do, so its quite easy to ban evade if Zofran really wanted to do that. Or generally, any banned player who wants to play here but doesnt want to go through a procedure of ban appeal - especially, if they know the ban appeal will be denied.
No problem. I didnt mean to teach banned players how to ban evade, just mean to say from my previous post, that its not so complicated or difficult to do if you know how to do it. I also think being stubborn with a banned player and refusing to unban a player who is nicely asking to return and promises not to cause any problems, is unfair. Most players who promise they've learned from their mistakes and promise not to cause problems, actually say the truth and have no intention to lie about it. But that is not in my hands. If staff want to unban a player, they can, but they dont have to even if the player deserves to be unbanned. I guess life can't always be 100% fair. Lets just conclude I'm not Zofran and put an end to this issue. Not only I wasnt him and have no signs of possibly being him, but also Enticing just told us he is Zofran. So we found him. There's nothing more to worry about this issue, okay?
It depends how you look at things. Generally, I write a lot because it seems some people on the forums fail to understand things if they are not written in full details. If you choose to continue to think I am Zofran, that's your choice. But I'm not gonna remain silent if you would annoy me about it so much, to a point where I'd have to report you. If Staff have a problem with something they can contact me, of course. Normal players dont need to be involved as much as they have been about this. I think personally if you care so much about if I was Zofran or not, maybe you have a serious problem and you need to look for help. Who cares? I already said I'm not, but you continue to talk about it and ask and mention the issue many times. Just move on with your life and stop trying to stalk me. Other than being dramatic on the forums, to me he seems like any other normal player. I'm not Zofran and Staff realize that very well by now, I think we've discussed almost everything related to this issue so far. If you dont have something productive to talk about, dont talk.
I made a thread without @'ing you or even using your account name. I literally didnt say a single thing regarding you. I put this in the spam and shit posting section burried at the bottom of the forums and somehow, the moment I mention the Z word, like bees to honey, here you come. You've had the choice this entire time to simply ignore me or anyone else in this thread or simply ignore the people in your introduction thread. If someone tried to claim I was something i wasnt, the last thing Id do is partake in literally every conversation involving it and just move on. The internet can be brutal but its also got a short attention span. 2 weeks you coulda starved us of attention you'd have been forgotten about and we all woulda moved on but your gigantic ego wouldnt let you. In the wise words of one DJ Khaled, Congratulations, you played yourself.
Sorry to disappoint you sir, that doesnt prove I'm Zofran if thats what you mean to say. It only proves I'm annoyed, frustrated, and maybe even a little depressed from all the crap people have been saying and doing about the whole Zofran issue. You go and try play on this server yourself, when every other moment someone could say "hi zofran" to you and somehow it pisses me off very much, despite the fact I dont care about him or where he is now, and that I also dont care about what people think of him and the issue with him in general. But, I replied a few times because I choosed to explain what I think about a few things. That doesnt mean anything other than thats my choice. I wouldnt be surprised if soon, you would find out Zofran doesnt even play on this server and you were just wasting your time. Or, that its revealed he was actually under some other name / identity all this time. I wish I had a way to prove I'm not him so you would stop with all this crap, but I just cant think of any way to do so. You gotta understand both sides of a situation, not just one side. If you'd take a look at my side, I have to deal with very annoying matters regarding the whole Zofran issue. This thread is only one of them, there are more and perhaps even new ways of trying to annoy me or piss me off about this issue. All this and more, for what? To see me banned? I dont understand. Like Staff already have confirmed it, I wont be banned because I'm not Zofran. You're wasting your time. Just give up kids.
He's Zofran, he's Zofran, You're Zofran, I'm Zofran... Are there anymore Zofran's I should know about? Spoiler Adding this in before I cause a huge uproar
Any Israeli player who is currently playing on this server could be Zofran, hiding and ban evading. With a different name, different IP and MAC address, different computer and internet connection. And, different behavior. All these things ensure not being caught ever. So, basically based on this approach. Any Israeli player on MapleRoyals could be Zofran. So if lets say you have 1000 Israeli players on this server, you gotta suspect 1000 players, not just me or someone else on the forums. And about the fact I might have posted or talked and behaved similarly to him, that could happen with many other Israeli players too. That is not a proof of being someone else just because of similarities like these. As you probably know, Israeli players have tendency to talk and react similarly with other Israeli players, and many Israeli players have good English because we're simply smart and literate people. By the way, has nothing to do with religion too. My family was Jewish, but I think Jesus was the Messiah. For example. Never took the medication. After finding out it was for nausea, I realized the only time I had nausea was years ago at a bus organized trip. Also I realized the medication Zofran doesnt even help with that nausea, it only helps with nausea caused by cancer treatments.