Hi MapleRoyals, I started playing here about two weeks ago. My favourite thing to do for making money is farming Leprechauns. In the beginning I was throwing out the bandanas, but now I realized there are merch players who will pay for these. I see people sell these in their store for 500k and I think that's overpriced. I will farm clean green bandanas and sell them to you for 250k each. Put your IGN and number of bandanas you would like below, and I will try to fulfill your order in a timely manner. EDIT: Shortage of green bandanas in the market, fixing my price at 500k / bandana. Thanks! Alternatively, buddy my character YellowMamba in game to place your order.
Hello hello IGN: Quach Number of bandanas: 10 Feel free to /find me in game or send me a buddy list request Henry!