A quitting sale usually means quitting their characters and using the funds for a new one. If they're actually trying to quit, then yes, that's dumb. That and your team giving up after you get caked once. Or when your team is killing mobs when everyone should be hitting the balloon and it's a guaranteed win at that point but they don't so you lose. Better yet, when they come in AFK. They're not standing to show off; they're getting ready to use NPC chat to get out fast. My mildly annoying issue: When people say "CC" when they mean "Ch" "What CC?" "What change channel?" Is that English?
When people try to sell an item for "4,999,999" instead of "5,000,000" 5m. I know this isn't exclusive to maple but it's still dumb.
That's usually to avoid certain taxes on the purchase. It helps both the seller and buyer when less mesos are taken away by the game through taxes.
back then it had progressive tax that looked something like this but this doesnt work on royals since its flat 3% as you mentioned so i guess its a habit that older players kept from the GMS days? also that 1 meso difference might just result in your shop items appearing on earlier pages using owl
When you try to jump at a ladder/rope from the side, but you're too close, so your character doesn't latch on even though you're pressing the up-arrow key. And then you think it might be easier to just go directly under the ladder/rope before jumping. But you misplace your character a little too far to the left, or a little to far to the right, and you still miss.
they changed it to flat 3% rate in update 48 (december 2017) prolly cos they also added bil coins which had a flat 3% rate n they wanted it all to be uniform
Back in ye olde source times I remember getting my boss splits and paying for leech by buying/selling arrows for 49,999 each so we didn't have to pay tax.
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but when people camp under the balloon when their team is about to win so they can loot all the candles.
Yeah if quittin for sure go drop all then use slur of least favorable nationality/race like the good bois xD Quittin sale can mean quittin character too
I mentioned before that a quitting sale means they're quitting that character so they're going to use those funds on a new character.
This is a relatade point. I think we've all been there. You need 5+ attempts to upgrade a skill to master level 20. 70% chance to succeed, yet sometimes you need 5+ attempts. While at the same time, my equips will boom on the first or second 30% scroll. Bruh. For those that need 5+ attempts for mw20, bless your souls
I'm a bishop, & was selling solo leech at ulu 1. A priest comes along when i was using gen right in front of him : Him : Could you leech me for free please? Me : No sorry. I'm in the middle of leeching someone. Him : Help a guy out. Let me join the leech for free. Me : Sorry my buyer paid for solo leech. Him : I can provide HS so let me join (Facepalmed here) Like what? Dude did you not see me using GENESIS right in front of you?? What makes you think I need a HS when I am a Bishop for crying out loud.. And already mentioned I am in the middle of selling leech so what makes you think begging for free leech is going to make me accept you