Oh man oh man what a thing to think about... Let me see if I can recollect what I played for ages and ages... I love almost all the entries into the Final Fantasy universe (Sorry 10-2 you were kinda bad) [Real talk tho, the ff7 remake is FANTASTIC!!!!!!] Metal Gear for the ps1 was a great game. Psycho Mantis was impossible to beat in slot 1.... I also love nearly all entries into the Resident Evil franchise. RE6 was the only TERRIBLE one. All the others were good or great, even Operation Raccoon City. I've logged over 1000 hours in Civilization 5.... A diamond in the rough game was the Metro 2033 series. Those games had some great stories and gameplay elements. If anyone knows about the .hack games, you're a friend of mine. I own all 7 of the PS2 games and they're in MINT condition. Ahwwww yeahhhhh. L4D2 I have like 700 hours on or something crazy. That game is never ending fun and still holds up to date. I also have too many hours pumped into the XCOM series....
Final Fantasy V - old but unforgettable Spoiler: Chocobo <3 Witcher 3 - had to play 2 times just because of scenery. ITS JUST TOO BEAUTIFUL Spoiler: plz erase my memory so I can experience this again Skyrim mod: Enderal - great characters, and awesome storyline to top it off Spoiler: my first ever donation to a 'mod'
-Platorm: Rayman Origins Megaman X2 (I started speedrunning MMX2 2 years ago and now i can easily finish this game in less than 40 min. (My record was 34:29 in 05/29/2020 on Any%)) SM64 Prinny can i really be the Hero? -Hack and Slash: Devil May Cry 1-5 (2 is garbage) God Hand (Theres no sword, but gameplay is very similar) Metal Gear Rising -RPG: Disgaea (I recomend 2 or higher) Soul Nomad Phantom Brave Shin Megami Tensei (Persona 3-4, Nocturne, Raidou) Etrian Odyssey 4 -RPG Maker: ONE SHOT LISA -Fighting Urban Reign Ultra Street Fighter 4 UNIEL Blazblue CF -Rhythm: Rhythm Heaven Muse Dash Taiko no Tatsujin Guitar Hero 3 (Or Clone Hero for PC) Osu -Rogue Like Risk of Rain 2 Crypt of Necrodancer I prob forgot a lot of nice games that i played, but i dont wanna to stay writing this for 69 hours
I used to not have time to play games, or so I thought. After years of not playing anything besides a few hours on Royals now and then, my best friend introduced me to Risk of Rain. I was not a fan of the first game, not liking the zoomed out sidescrolling aspect; but the second edition, Risk of Rain 2, really struck all the right chords. Relatively quick matches, almost endless replayability (imo), and very fun in co-op. I would highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.
I used to play role game in a board game with friends 2 years ago, i hope one day return to board game with people. In computer I was playing horror games like resident evil , House of dead, Left4dead maybe for the content about zombies and the story about that. On March 2020 i found call of duty for mobile by a recommendation of a friend, so this year i want to test the call of duty War Zone.
I really love offline games like table tennis and foosball because you can do it with your friends and observe their feelings, feel the energy and competitiveness. Sources for you about these games: The basic rules of Table Tennis - the aim of the game is simple. https://recroompick.com/foosball-table-maintenance/
I have been wanting to play my Nintendo Wii recently so I took it out of storage and hooked it up to my TV. Some of my favorite games are Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, SSBB, and Pokemon Battle Revolution. Love that the Wii is also backwards compatible with Gamecube games, but those games are getting very expensive to buy..
So many favourite games here. Pokémon, Dark Souls, Okami, Cities Skylines, Silent Hill 1/2/3, Elden Ring, Metal Gear Solid, Terraria, Aphex Legends, Minesweeper, Valorant, Bioshock, Genshin Impact, Stardew Valley, Counter-Stike, Oxygen Not Included, Call of Duty: Warzone, Celeste, Borderlands 2/3, Left 4 Dead. Just to name a few.