5% on a job that deals a substancial amount of single target dmg is quite decent, even more taking in count that you probably have se, wich alrdy adds a certain % ,around 9% if i recall right..something that i noticed it in this kind of dmg calculations is how SI is misscalculated(maybe im wrong, i would love if someone shows me an error of this) I will use random numbers to explain my point. This x job dmg calculation: Buffless: 100% dmg Se adds 15% more dmg so, with SE:115% dmg Si adds 7% dmg so with SI :107% dmg With SE+SI =122% dmg.....and as i see it, i doesnt work like that. Si increases the amount of shots u will do per sec/min wich implies u will have more chances to deal crits so, if u have SE AND SI, calculations should go like this SE+SI= (100+15)*1.07=123.05...that would imply(in this imaginary job i just used as example) that se and si separately would increase dmg by 15 and 7% respectively, but togheter it would be a 23.05% dmg increase and not 22
Nice post. I love reading these detailed analysis articles. I have one question though: regarding HP washing, what is the appropriate HP for corsair in your opinion? I'm thinking of washing to 18750 HP to do all bosses, is that ok?
I’m not sure why we need to deviate from the original game’s mechanic here. By this logic, why don’t archers ask for stance too then? Most skill changes from staff seem limited to number tweaks or small QoL improvements on marginal cases, and I appreciate that. Spoiler: off-topic Except for the 100% super transformation uptime change and crash mules, which are pretty big leaps from the original core mechanics imo On a separate note, this guide really makes me want to start a corsair some time
sair is nice job i enjoy alot i don't think there is need to change anything other then annoying chat spam due to air strike/octopus/battleship "spam" the damage is also nice and offers great challenge and fun to maintain that high and nice dps you don't need to dogge all the hits if you organize yourself, know how long the run will be and plan accordingly what hits to dogge and what you can "afford" to take untill fight end (knowing "safe" spots is also a plus like in krex,BF,scarga,...or like in auf where can be especially nice if not the best to be sair '-' ) the only issue with sair i got so far is low HP & washing.... (but that is a issue with almost all jobs in royals ...) i hope for more HP quests/medals HP increase... sparky add the skills with cd last in the macro also you won't get that much notice spam in the chat also the macro cover would be nice to be edited and show the CD of the skill with CD we chose (i hope the client can do that )
Look, you can't really compare the original game mechanic to our current private server. As you mentioned many skill changes and positive tweaks have been implemented. So naturally, they are different. Now, adding stance to battleship is exactly that minor QoL improvement we sairs could use right now. It's 2020. World sucks. Let us have something jolly. Won't hurt your BM. Promise.
I don't even play BM...I'm just saying your logic behind asking for stance is a slippery slope. This is going off-topic tho so I'll stop here.
This is always a good issue to dismount or not. However, what you mentioned above is too theoretical but not practical. If you want to find out the real x & d, you should take something more into consideration: 1. you can't spam rapid fire while knocking back (the duration is about 0.7s?). In HT, you might be hit every 4-5 seconds. Therefore, the dps of rapid fire might be needed to *0.85. (1-0.7/5) 2. how often you need to reposition? every 3 hits? Something you need to know is you can't spam rapid fire during recoil shot but you can do remount. The difference make you need to think if the dismount and remount always takes you 1 second? or 0.4 second after every 3 hits? 3. you do need to take octopus into calculation since I think it's the best way to only dismount when you can spam octopus while bossing (for those which won't spam weapon cancel).
You are probably right on rapid fire maybe needing to *0.85 at HT. Maybe also, repositioning while using cannon would introduce some inefficiency too-- I don't think we can fire cannon at regular speed while jump shooting. I think I will add a more general formula for X, where a constant factor can be applied to both cannon and rapid fire. I didn't take into consideration octopus and dismounting because I didn't know it was possible to do it at the same time, without waiting for the other. I'm still not sure if it can be done consistently too.
Im going to willfully ignore all other information listed and state that this is sufficient information to justify nerfing corsairs. No other context should be taken into consideration. This is simply unacceptable. While were at it we should buff Bms and Hurricane. Also buff NLs
I don't have SE most of the time cause I don't bother bringing it usually Also it would actually be less than 5% increase since rapid fire is not affected by SI so it's probably not worth to bring If you do krex and it takes 30 min then 5% more damage will make it 28/29 min, the time wasted logging in si and bringing it is already at least 1-2 min or so. Might be worth to bring it to shaolin to increase your chances to succeed though
I do have a question regarding that macro. Even if it is slight DPS: Does it make sense to actually max out Gaviota instead of Ice Splitter or do i really need Ice Splitter in the late / endgame or generally for any content that is out there? Most people leave Ice Splitter at level 26. Couldn't i instead just max out Ice Splitter and have less points in Flamethrower to max, again Gaviota instead? https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/sqSwFzC/Skilltree.jpg Currently this is my skilltree and basically if i won't ever use ice splitter again i might aswell max Gaviota instead.. Or asked this way: What usages does Ice Splitter have other than freezing shaolin spawns as the original post by @Geyforlife suggested? Looking forward for a reply :3
Ice fire splinter is handy while too many mobs swarm at you like bees, and you have no ship. Else you gonna sommersult kick lmao
When you reach the extreme end game stage where you strive for the tiniest extra DPS, maxed Gaviota will bring more benefits than ice splitter. In my case, I went as far as intentionally throwing away the ice capsule because the zakum's flying spawns would get 1 shot while I need to lure them alive for the soloing purpose. If you are taking the casual and slow route, ice/flame skills help a lot during 3rd and early 4th job grind.