up decented a/w
split 60 duo 100m 5m / h discount if u buy 10h ty
ty for buying!!!! XD HAV A NICE ROYALS!
its 1-9 door left!! actually i wanted bcoin, can i set price to 1.03b? or 2 ws / 10 apr avail..!
sold! forget to change haha
S/B 1b A/W 1.5b ty~ accecpt ws/cs/bcoin/apr <3
S/B 1.2b A/W 2b ty~
i added!! i usually online between 8~20 servertime¡ ign is bareumhwang / icantenglish
S/B 16att ty :)
1b straight ty~
ty~ prefer to pay ws+bcoin mixed~
9.5b~ ty prefer to pay ws/cs + bcoin mixed~
omg ty i really didnt know that meaning haha
means 13att+str8 cape? or ign is str8?
tell me option+price ty
ign: beanMUMU ty!
5cs straight
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