I did not share my Account to anybody how is this possible ? My third account with f/p got hacked, Got Any evidence or something ?
Your Character Names: zFreeko, Rellin, Last thing you did: Just putting my items to the storage Why do you think you got banned?:Really dont know...
We can close that thread
Still My Drk is stuck in game after the patch :/ and my bish too
Thank You, i have another problem but i dont wanna make another thread when i came back i found out that i cant log on to my f/p account, then i...
sorry but it happend before patch
IGN: zFreeko Problem: My account just got stuck and i cant log in Details: i wanted to transfer my items to hero, i logged off and i cannot log in...
Any idea when ?
Your Character Names:Nalesnik Last thing you did: I dont really remember , i was playing like couple months ago Why do you think you got banned?:...
p/c on these 2 items ( sorry for quality) [ATTACH]
P/C on this Chair [ATTACH]
Jak ktos chce do guild to dzisiaj bede okolo 22 na Maple i wbijajcie na tego Discorda co Archaniol zalozyl
Niby jakis discord jest ale nikt nie chce uzywac, a druga sprawa nie wiem dlaczego malo polakow znowu gra, jak cos to pisac bo gram ostatnio na...
Maple shield for 64 lvl clean 6 int p/c on that
1. Name: Peter 2. Age: 20 3. Country/State: Poland 3.1. Timezone: GMT+1 4. IGN: zFreeko 5. Level: 144 6. Class: Dark Knight 7. How long have you...
ja wiem że są teleporty a filmik był na próbe bo nagrywałem w 50 fpsach ale i tak musze popracowac nad napisami troche i jakies efekty dodac moze...
O,o kto ty ?
spokojnie jeszcze sie doczeka zemsty, 3 dni to nic a to ze go postraszylem gildia to sie mowi trudno powiedzialem tylko ze moze miec defame od...
Tu macie filmik zanim dostalem bana xD taki na próbe https://www.youtube.com/embed/TaZL3554y5k
Character Name: zFreeko Last thing you did: probably training at brextons Why do you think you got banned: because of one guy that i was defaming...
Psychol?, psujem ceny :D[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hi,when im playing maple royals and i wanna launch second client its says all the time MapleRoyals has stopped working i tried to change...
Zak ku pamieci Harego :P
Mierny cos ten DK :P
Separate names with a comma.