Character Name: AintOG Your Name: Maya Job & Level: 118 Outlaw (washed to ~12k HP) Hobbies/Interests: Maplestory Timezone: Central Time Anything...
IGN: Azhh Level: 172 Job: Bishop Loyalty: 7 Activeness: 10 Reason For joining: I love doing bosses and would really enjoy having a guild I can do...
o Basic Info: Name|IGN: Togain Level|Class: 149 Shadower Country: America How active are you? (On a scale of 1-10): 6 Main Hours of Gaming?...
I've never done Horntail, but as far as I can tell, yes. I would personally never try to HT without 5.6k minimum on a Corsair. Even in a scenario...
Right... I'm saying the battleship does not do that whatsoever. You can't ever take more damage than your health regardless of whether you're on...
I would like to point out that the Corsair's battleship does not tank damage for them. It acts as a separate entity, not a shield.
Main Character Name: Azhh Alternate Character level: 74 Alternate Character Name: AintOG Easily level 100+ in a couple days after I get out of...
Oh my god, thank you for this info. This is exactly what I was looking for for my HP washing purposes! :)
[MEDIA] dang
Main Character Name: Azhh Alternate Character level: 120 Alternate Character Name: GoTina i'm back baby :)
[IMG] i feel good about this
Character Name: Azhh Last thing you did: Buying AP Resets Why do you think you got banned?: Server lagged when I put in the money, which triggered...
pretty rad [MEDIA]
I'm all for this idea. +100 Many modern games are using this concept and I honestly can't see any reason why it shouldn't be implemented here,...
Level(s): 144 Class: Shadower Location: Road to Oblivion 4 Percent/Hour: 40% (42,800,000 exp) Again solo with HS in the same map
when i was making some fame mules i thought it'd be interesting to time it [spoiler] there's no split specifically for leaving Southperry nor is...
[MEDIA] really diggin this lately
Level(s): 141 Class: Shadower Location: Road to Oblivion 2 Percent/Hour: 31% (28,500,000 exp) Solo with HS in the same map
Yayaya! Congrats, Chance! :3
yep, +1 to this idea as well i'm not sure why liking medals = liking big bang and the current version of GMS. that's quite a leap considering...
haha i was just listening to this earlier my personal favorite: [MEDIA]
Main character IGN: Togain Alternate character IGN: Azhh Alternate character Level: 125 want my bishop in the guild so i don't feel lonely while...
so excited! :)
Separate names with a comma.