A bit late on this thread but i'm trying to reconnect with people from back in the day. Hi Osaka my dude! I hope you see this sometime. I'm...
Personally, I think if you want to play this game as efficiently as possible (and not waste time), making a leeching mage is a must....
MoN is a level 110 item and HTP is a level 120 item. A higher level item should always be better, that only makes sense. If regular MoN got...
The way you're handling the HP balancing is very interesting and I'm looking forward to that. I hope you aren't considering taking away HP washing...
I assumed topics like these already existed but decided to create one either way because I believe suggestions get too easily forgotten.. But...
It would be amazing if you could introduce some kind of system where you take a regular item, remove its stats and make it work just like an NX...
This. There's enough variety on Royals - the thing is that the classes are imbalanced and a few of the classes are so much more fun than others,...
I can't believe character deletion still doesn't work. :confused:
I have recently been on 8 Zakum runs without a single Triple Throw 10 drop. Now, I might be biased because I'm currently in this position without...
Hhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg [IMG] Anything below 34 dex was unacceptable so I threw in 2 30% helm dex scrolls. Thank you to Hikuri,...
Feelsbadman being banned by suspiction-based "evidence". :'( It shouldn't be necessary to document your gameplay in an online game. Players...
My suggestions to improve the lounge: - Add an NPC who sells Omok and other mini-games - Make some kind of ranking ladder for who the best...
Lookin' for frands. :o Name: Emrah IGN: Rooke Time Zone: GMT+1 Favorite MapleStory place: Ludibrium: Path of Time or Deep Inside of Watch Tower...
Nobody wants to give me free TT 10/Zak helm. :( I'm super cheap and feel it's an achievement to make/get your own shit instead of paying for it. f3
Two months ago I finished leeching my main character. Yesterday, I managed to finally reset all my INT. Today, I went ahead and did my 3rd job...
I would like to see a thorough revamp of the game in order to put emphasis on party-play compared to how current Royals is. Basically a fix to...
[IMG] Finally finished leeching my new soon-to-be 30k HP main character up. Took only almost 4 months I believe and that's pretty quick for me!!...
Don't worry too much about hitting 30.000 HP early. It's so inefficient compared to if you MP wash late. You gain way more bonus MP by MP washing...
I'm in the process of making a 30.000 HP night lord myself and I can tell you this much. I've found that guide you're following to be incorrect. I...
Make whatever you feel like playing the most mate. :) If you're unfamiliar with HP washing and that's the only reason you don't want to make a...
I wrongfully got permanently banned for botting yesterday. Today, I am happy to say they changed my ban to a week long ban for "robotic behavior"....
You're putting words in my mouth. That's not what I said. I'm saying since people already went through the process of HP washing, it wouldn't be...
I voted no because I believe it's unfair for the people who have already spent months upon months on collecting AP resets. Making them available...
If you can get a hold on some good luk equipment such as a 25+ luk overall, 10+ luk cape and earrings and maybe a 60+ att Maple weapon I think...
I'm currently in the process of leeching a thief up to 135 and I'm 100 % positive leeching is slower than actual grinding on low levels. 1-75 is a...
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