While i mostly agree with Daves take, I will still need these pictures for verification uwu
I said 17/2... gz tho :classy:
Make it17/2 and ill trade for 19fs :classy:
T>19 for 16/3 [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Would you take 30 att 20 str maple shield + top up for the Kalkan?
"Each of us lives, dependent, and bound by our individual knowledge and our awareness. All that is what we call "reality". However, both knowledge...
Can offer 8 ws :classy:
Hey c: i will keep my offer at 6ws only for now c: completely understand if you dont want to sell. :classy:
I can offer 6 ws c:
I can offer 4 ws c:
Take cs/ws also c: I will be here in like 9 hours.
Make it 6b and we have a deal.
Lowered s/b and a/w. :classy:
8/2>13/1>13 :pepez: [IMG]
Would you take 22 att + 13b for the 23 bwg? :classy:
i like how i prepared 2 cs lmao [MEDIA]
uwu [IMG] [IMG]
Make it 18b and ill consider it as s/b c: Selling in 48h
Taking downgrades all the way to 9-10 att :classy:
22 bwg + perf flame sword for 12/4 bwg :classy:
Ill be ingame in around 2 hours c:
Separate names with a comma.