UHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMM was hoping you forget lmao
Did that include me btw? lmao it's fine, I don't play anymore, just vote now :P
Has not started yet, date is still TBD
Dislike button pls ): RIP
inb4 sig removed from imgur lololol
I know right, sameeeeeeeee
Username/Password/Character Names As part of the registration process, you will also be asked to select a username and password for your account...
Right click Mapleroyals, go to properties, compatibility tab, and used Windows 98/ME. Note that Windows 98/ME compatibility has been known to dc...
To get this hairstyle, you have to donate to the server and in game, use the command ~donator, go to more hair styles, and the hair style is...
Yes it is but you have to donate to get it and use the command ~donator in game.
I was bored so I made Souma. [IMG]
Try this post by Tim in this link. http://royals.ms/forum/threads/how-to-horntail-without-graphical-glitches-closing-your-client.16643/page-2
Right click the client, click properties->Compatibility tab, tick Run in compatibility mode with Windows 98/ME
On VMWare? Change your display setting to at least 800x600
They are not that ideal for lukless mages since you could just get some maple weapons for them, but, I would say that the sky blue umbrella can be...
Again, I don't know either but it did
I assume you mean like regular monster bosses and not party bosses like Zak and HT. For Zak, you need a min HP of 3.1k w/o HB or what IFate said,...
Can't explain how to get sandboxie to work on win8 because it doesn't work for everyone but here's the VMWare guide....
Also, according to Pheelo's HP Washing guide, HT does 7.8k magic damage assuming that's the max it does.
Sandboxie was working for me when I was running win8.1 but on win10, it doesn't work so you have to use vmware on win10. Also for some reason, I...
My advice, get some hp equips first before you wash, after that, wash until you have ~2k-2.1k hp and go with a party that has HB
If I recall, orange skis are, maple items that are not in the godly range are worthless, not so sure about the sword though
Got mentioned before the wifey? Win
I got bored one day and made this spreadsheet. Basically, it's mp washing for 50 levels, first 30 for int and the next 20 for your primary stats....
Separate names with a comma.