#11:pepeboba: pain and fun and still die in vl:donke: [ATTACH]
2boots this week!? sooooooo lucky :VLlove:
do u accept 18wa bfc? if so, how much do u value at? thank u
I think most of the players in this server do multi client^_^' if you want to have attackers after this mage, make new accounts for them!
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/quests-worth-doing-2-0.185825/ this post lists some quests which give good exp! I suggest doing quest at low level...
purple pigeon
gib me monimonimoni
cool cape:tobenaww:
hello just wonder if you meet the lvl requirement lvl128+ [ATTACH]
我點連結進去是OK的耶 看不到有人PO文是正常的,PO文只有staff看的到 建議你發文請staff們幫忙/詢問 玩家沒辦法了解你的帳號真實情況
登入時跳出的報錯訊息是寫什麼啊? 可以試試這個 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/%E9%81%BA%E5%A4%B1%E4%BA%86%E9%9B%BB%E9%83%B5%E6%88%96%E6%98%AF%E7%99%BB%E5%85%A5-id.177763/
https://royals.ms/forum/members/chovastic.80903/ https://royals.ms/forum/members/xxlilosxx.95734/ 不太像中文語系的玩家
Hi are you interested in this?:tobenawoo: [ATTACH]
rich @LickMeMe
try go el nath and take the egg again it works for me :duckhappy:
進去打雪人的活動圖 地圖右邊的 npc
IGN(s): Mimmii @Mimmia, ByuIie @CindyTsai Name of your tree: Quest Virtuoso's Journey Tree [spoiler] [ATTACH] [spoiler]
:PBGasp: wat happened to xuanfeng
As title, leave your offer:tobenawoo:
yes, still selling Note: update cs/ws price based on market
Separate names with a comma.